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treytakahashi Blog

Sorry guys, but I have not been on here since well... a long time :(

Yeah if a few weeks was not long enough, it will be longer. For I've just been doing things, I'm so very sorry

I feel as if I have left you all in the cold, came and then suddenly just leave, seriously what is that?!

You must understand, and I know for sure that these blogs come about every other one and are never taken seriously, however this one is to be taken seriously. I don't plan on getting on very much (if at all) for the next four weeks or so.

Don't expect blogs, or comments, or what have you. I'm so very sorry!!! Please feel free to keep in contact through my e-mail:

If anything I check that at least 6 some odd times a day. So you will get a reply that day (unless you have some time differentual which expect a message the next day or so). By all means e-mail me, please do.

I wish the best of you all, this is not a "Going for good," blog. Hell its far from that, its a leave of absence is what I would call it. It makes me feel bad to be doing this, but it the end it comes down to self gain, which makes me feel even worse, But I am sure that most of you actualy this its okay which makes me feel a little better about this.

Thank you all for your support in the last few months, for even some of you the last year. I'll be back, trust me... I would never leave this community. I care far to much. Thanks for your understanding everyone

Your Pal

-Trey Takahashi

So, as of now... expect me to be gone for awhile, my B-Day is on Wed~

The title pretty much gives the whole thing.

I am really working on my grades so that is bitting into a lot of my time, I have also been finishing up some books I am reading. Last of all every weekend of mine is booked up with little things for the next month or so. Yeah, I don't even have time to throw a weekend B-Day party :(

So with that said, I am a very very busy man. I'll try to be on here as soon as I can, I really only have time to check engadget online before I have to do something else.

Final Thought:

Audiosurf is a great and addicting game. Seriously its amazing. Best songs to play? Le Disko - Shiny Toy Guns, Slash Dot Slash - Fat Boy Slim, Orange Crush - REM, and My Moom Man - Feist. Thats about all I can think of for now, I am still trying to play my whole audio collection, all 600+gb/s of songs (yeah its a lot, that still does not count vinals transered).

Well until nextime I guess! Bye every one!


If not loggin' in was cheese cake, I'd be the cheese cake factory!

Hey guys. I've been quite busy (like thats news), I cannot find any more excuses to use here, so I'm not going to give one. I'm sorry for not comming to your blogs like you have been to mine, I will try in the future.

I have one question to ask you guys

What game should I get for the PC, please check my Games list before you answer.

Any way, I'll talk to you all soon! Bye


Do you? Well?! DO YOU!? What?

Exactly my friends, exactly! You cannot say any thing back to that statement, or as some of you say "You aint' got nothin' on this!" So then, I can hear the voices ring out over the hills and far away (not to grandmother's house though), "Oh Trey, what is this blog about?!" And the answer to that is I really don't know, but we an try to come up with something eh? So then, lets move on to the different sections that involve well blog material or what have you, seriously what the hell am I saying...?!

First off, I know for sure that I cannot possibly pull off the 31 days of blogging. I just get lost in other activities that take away from the blogging. For example, yesterday came a lack of a daily blog, why? Well it starts with a busy night on Friday that did not land me into bed until about 2400 or so, thats pretty late for me. Any how, the next day I was to work at a Charity Auction at my school called "Empty Bowls" its to raise money for the homeless and involves hand made ceramic bowls and the auctioning of art work. So then, I awoke late and rolled into the shower and left with eating the most minuscule breakfast I have had in while but not the rarest of things in my life. So after this I was off to work. I spent the morning setting up and most of the day at the event putting new bowls on the tables for sale as they are being sold (take it about 20 bowl will be picked up in less then a minute). Do do this I had a average of a two foot stack of different shaped bowls in one hand leaning on my chest while using the other to toss bowls into the empty spaces where a bowl formally was placed. Oh, and did I mention I had to wipe the dust out of every single one with a damp cloth? It was hard work, but for a good cause. I think the StarCraft 2 shirt I was wearing rubbed some of that SC magic on me to allow the completion of the work. Who knows.

After the event I went home sore and sleepy. So I kicked back for a few minutes and blasted some music, however I had an arrangement with an old friend about an hour after the event got out, so I had to get ready for that. We went out, to eat and see a movie which was fun, only I did not get home at about again 2400 hours. So quite the day hu? I did get to go to a nice fancy Japanese food place to eat, which was as always nice, the Green Tea hit the spot, and the movie I saw was Run Fat Boy Run, not the best of films but a watchable one.

Moving on

My PC is still down, yeah... I've swapped my P4 Mainboard with a PD Motherboard, and changed some bios setting, I still cannot get a working XP, so dumb! So I think its the HDD's, it must be. I think I am just going to go Linux from now on. Buy a pre-built windows machine for the little bit of PC gaming I do now.

There is a light side to this though, I have been reading some of my favorite books again just for the hell of it. Naked Lunch, Man in the High Castle, and On the Road. I forgot what masterworks these works are. Oh my, I love Naked Lunch!

Lets see, now is there any more rambling I can do as of now, and the answer to that would be No. So this concludes this very badly written blog, have a nice night everyone!


O Day of Days! Lots of well put material! Hi guys, read this one!

So as you could tell I could not really find a blog name to put up in that space, just the song that is blasting on this computer, if you leave this room you will hear the album "Rubber Soul" by The Beatles. So then I guess we should move on to this exciting edition of the Takahashi blog, no seriously, lets move on!!! (Remember kids, any more then three exclamation marks [or points] you just look stupid.)

Well to the topic I guess, I had a alright day, fallowed by an alright evening. So it was alright, what made my day then. I mean what would be the point living if every day we did not have a "That made my day!" moment?! Seriously? Well that moment hit me when I walked outside of my house, and lay on the ground. Took a look up at the incoming storm while blasting "Nowhere Man" by non other than The Beatles. At that very moment, I just felt happy, it "Made my day." That was the defining moment I have had all week, as I would say, it was amazing. It showed me he Indubitable truth to beauty once again! I don't think that statement made much since, but we are going to stick with it, right guys!?

So, in itself I said to myself its time to relax and let the stresses of the week slip by, doing this it was a little combo of Movie/Ice Cream/Brawl in that order. Kicked on the TV device sitting on that oh so lovely shelf and went on to the "On Demand" feature on my cable box and loaded a movie, this being Norbit. I have seen this before in theaters at least, and I wanted to see it again. After all yesterday was musical night. Well its not normally that night, just what I wanted to watch. Can I get a high five for Fiddler on the Roof? YEAH! Now then back to what I was saying (sorry for the digression, I seem to do that a lot [remember kids its "a_lot not alot!"]). Lets see so half way through the movie you get your nice small bowl of Soy Ice Cream, no other then the vanilla flavor (Why am I out of my Mochi ice cream?!). It was great, it could have used some Black Meiji Chocolate shaving to make it supreme! So to fallow that I played some more brawl. And that was that!

Let see... I thought I had some more things to share with the world, its thinking time! Oh yeah, I am deeply sorry for the lack of comments of your blogs, I really do need to return the favor. I am going to pull a really stupid excuse out, and that is my main PC's are out of commission for now. My main PC is still without an OS (damned you RAID drivers [don't pull a "Takahashi's and idiot," there are other BIOS factors you don't know about]). As for the Mac its still on the floor, I got it back but I need to do a full data transfer to a new 500GB EHDD, and send it packing again to Apple. Something I really am not in the mood to do as of right now. So I bet most of you are asking what computer I have been using for blogging and comments. That answer would be a hand full of really slow devices (slow to what I am use to any way), these being an Apple eMac, Apple MacMini (G4 model guys), the Nintendo Wii's Internet Channel, and last of all an iPod Touch. So as you can tell, I'm very limited. I am doing my best though! I'm still afraid of messing with my PC after that damned PSU explosion! Geezzz!

That last note, I would say I think I know the true online business I want to start, this being a different site entirely then the BIG one you have been hearing about, I would like to sew and sell little Plush dolls, now I have done a few and so far they have been so awesome. I'll make the final decisions on this, and I'll keep you all posted on this. Because I know some of you would be willing to buy when you see these. And to answer a question before its even asked, Yes I am willing to ship internationally! So, thats that!

Well that marks the end of this one, I would like to tune out with a little link for you all to enjoy while I step aside and blast the Greece OST, a really great sound track in my opinion! Well thats that! And here is the link!

Here is a little background on the video, its the end credits to the movie Buckaroo Banzai (well more like "The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the 8th Dimension). Its a cult film, and I think its one of the best films ever made. Pick it up its great, trust me you will love it. Kingrich06 here is another one you could add to that collection if you don't already own it!

With all of this said and out of the way! I wish you all goodnight and happy day! Be seeing you on the next edition of the Takahashi blog!


Day after April Fools! That and a extreme shortie blog! EXTREME!

Nice to see the good turn out on comments for the April Fools blog, If I did not have to do some testing I would have photoshopped a fake personal death ad (GS filters the real word for those in the paper [DAMNED YOU GS]) about myself, being killed in some strange yet believable way. It was also nice to see your reactions to that blog if it was for real. April fools! Got to love it!

Now then for you guys not on the web looking at all the jokes/pranks going on, you can find a list of the sites involved and the aftermath at:

Lets see, in other news I got a new PS2 to replace the old one that up and died (well not expectedly up and died, it did fall 6 feet about 3 months before its death, and you could see a major decline in health). So, I also am in the works of getting a HDD on it, and maybe when I get a PS3 putting linux on it. Who knows.

No other news really, just been thinking.... a lot. Mostly involving world news, such as that in China or Korea, you know the big stuff that could spell our D-O-O-M, that is if you see it my way...

I'll explain my views on how its going to go down (by this I mean WWIII [by this I mean what I think is going to come of us in the next 20 odd years {by this I mean the full lay out}]). So just ask if you want to hear it.

I dono, I'm a little sleepy. Thus sleep is the best cure of that, eh? So I will be seeing you all later! Bye


Leaving, for good... Sorry folks

My time at GS has come to an end, I have been taken up on other things that will require far more time on the computer, thus I must make a sacrifice to every site I love dearly. Sorry for the short notice, I really did not want to mention it, as I might have an uprising protesting my leave. I really am sorry, you can post your comments but who knows how long it will take before I get to them.

If you feel the dire need to contact me (Which I think most of you do [for what ever reason]). You can e-mail me at

Thanks guys, its been fun.


expect a few days of these shorties, testing tomorrow study up!

Its true as the title puts it, so so so so so so.... you know what that means. I'm writing a very short blog here because I have more important things on my mind (Sorry folks education #1). Now Since you don't have gobs of content to read here I say why not check out the new BUG labs project, its a Linux device that has interchangable parts that you can snap into place, its pretty neat. Although the price is a little high, well here is a link for all of you who are interested.



A "Fill the void" blog, yeah its not much.

To officially say I blogged for the day, I am still very sore, and sleepy. I've been quite occupied with fixing my computer(s) among other other things. So thats whats going down, man I feel as if I am a work shop geek, from looking around and taking a look at this whole place. This small room has become full of every little gadget and gizmo you could think of. Hell I cannot even back up my chair before I hit a box full of DC adapters and CPU heat syncs. I'm loosing my mind I must be, that and my sleep. Geezzz... I need to clean all of this up, that and do school stuff. If only you knew... if only. With that little Digression to the side, I really must be going. I need to go write a letter as well as patch up for the night (as in wash up). Be seeing you all and happy days goes out with that as well!

Best of times (or whatever, call the Dr. [He will tell you something important {Put the lime in the coconut and drink a bowl up}]).
