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treytakahashi Blog

Merry Christmas to all! And to all a good night!

Ho Ho Ho! Merry Christmas every one, and all the other holidays to that have already passed, accept Kwanza that is but thats a good old American Holiday despite what some might think! Hohohohoho! Well every one, here PST time we are still on the Eve of Christmas, waiting for it all to come our way! I hope you all are enjoying yourselves as I am. Well Merry Christmas every one! And a Happy New Year!

See you all soon



I'm taking a vacation, from gamespot that is. I will come back though

Sorry every one, but for now I'm going to take a short leave that will probably last through the holidays. I know so far my visits on Gamespot have been short recently, but I have been really, really, really busy since the school year has begun. I guess it would not really hurt to tell you all of what I am talking about.

I have been working on my website for well, when ever I have the time. So in itself is one of the main reasons I have been gone. The site itself is pretty much done I'm just working on the store. Now then why is this taking so long?! 1.) I need to get a formal licence to sell the stuff. 2.) I need to find a good place to order the shirts from 3.) I need to finish gathering the Art and Templates for the shirts 4.) I need to fix the payment method and shipping. 5.) What a Pain in the A@#!

That is that, and not to mention the fact that I am trying to do this will all the school that most of us have. So in that I am really busy!

Also on another note that I am also all tied up with is the fact I have just gotten four pen-pals. Two from Japan, One South Korean and the last one from one of the smallest nations in the world who's name escapes me.

Any way on that note I must go! I will be back soon and don't forget about me!


Monthly Blog 11-07

Well the blog is up but not as you expected, due to time constraints and other road-blocks I had to improvise and I did not have to time to do major BB Coding. So I'm sorry December blog will not be like this but you have to Download it because its in PDF format.

Here is the link every one, and please leave me comments on it, I hope you like it for its my first!;9174437;/fileinfo.html

Hello! Sorry for not being on to much recently!

I've been AWOL (Again) and for that I am sorry! Any how I wish to state a wishful and happy thanksgiving hope you all have fun!

Now then I'm making this short seeing I have other things to do, I have been inactive mainly due to school and to be honest my Wii. I'll get on and post every where this weekend seeing that I have four days off. Any how I thought I might just check in and say Sorry!

Be back soon!


The BIG MUTHA of BLOGS! Whats up every one ready for me?!

Welcome every one! I'm glad to say I'm back and I'm hitting back in full force! This weekend marks the end of my starvation diet, sleep depravation and not to mention the homework from hell! Any how I'm feeling better then ever! So what to do? Come back to Gamespot! Now enjoy the fallowing topics!

Half-Life OJ Box:

So one of the things I got around to doing is picking up the Orange box. I'm LOVING IT! Oh my lets break this down into little groups of what I'm talking about.

Portal: For one this game was probably the F-U to all other game engines. It throws awsome story and not to mention great detail and great puzsles. I fell in love with it in the first 10min/s of gameplay! Its perfact. Now I'm not the greatest game reviewer in the world. In fact thats the one thing I was going to talk about. So then.... Lets move on

TF2: I've been playing the Team Fortress since well the very first one when it droped way back when. Lets just be straight forward. VAVLE COULD NOT HAVE DONE A BETTER JOB! The game is perfact in my eyes. They took things out and added things, making the character types more balanced then ever, its no longer just the snipers and soldiers running around, not to mention the fact spys sucked so hard in the first one. Well then I'm not going to keep on this for ever seeing that I'm not good at video reviews.

HL2: Ep. 2: To be totaly straight forward with you I have not touched it. Not even opened it. I have really just been to jumbled up in other things.

Video Blogs! O really?! Yes way!:

Yes that is right I want to get into video blogging. Mainly for the fact its easyer to talk then to write. No not really but I feel like it might be fun! So I don't know about doing actual video (Web Cam). But more a slide show and gameplay vids while I ramble on about whats going on. Kinda like what your doing AJMarra. So then It may be a month or so until I get that uploaded but I'll try for it. Any how thats all I really have to say about that.

They have stollen my ROCKS! No seriously...:

As the title clearly states they have stolen my rocks... who I don't know. And if your asking what the hell are you talking about? Well two of my main rocks in my Landscape outside have been stolen some time between Halloween (10/8) and today (11/2). They where the coolest turquoise rocks ever. Now I'm hella pissed about it... They ripped them out of the F@#$ing ground leaving huge indents... I would file a police report but honastly what would they do about it... "Calling all officers if any one spots to huge turquoise rocks, please inquire about them." Are you kidding me? See what I'm saying it sounds retarded... How gay can people be, or cheap. They steal rocks from your yard for who knows what... God those kind of people Piss me off!!!


Thats it for today, for the fact I don't feel like typing any more but working on some flash animations... so any how I'm peacin' it out! Any how I'll talk to you all laters, and don't just read post comments. I want to see who actualy read this! :P Thanks guys!


Its the end of Q1 in school, so AFK is expected...

I've been AFK for quite some time, sorry about that I am going to make this short and sweet due to the fact I got about six essays to write and two chapter summerys, journals, questions, and quotes from a book... Not to mention Math homework, and History vocab.. So yeah its the end of quarter one. This makes all our teachers cram all the extra stuff in at the end, after this week I got a few standerdized tests. So I'm going to be gone for awile. And I have been for quite some time, I just wanted to inform you on why. I have even been so busy I have not been able to write a entry in my journal for the last week or so! I will retern once my life sets back in place. Until then you will rarly see me...

Hope to talk to you all soon!


Back in Black Fooools! Woot Woot!!!!

Congrats on all of you that go the Tokyo game show emblem. That is also me. Well Now then I am back so stop by and say Hi, Oh wow that Rymes. OK well movin' on I would like to say that there is nothing more to report. I did get to go to the foot ball game at my HS (American Foot Ball that is) to do some face painting. This was fun, but other then that nothing more is goin down any way I just wanted to inform every one that I am back!

A Little update!!! Woo Whoooo!!!!

Welcome every one! I know I have not been on every day, in fact I think its been a few days :( But I am here to give and update on whats going down! Well first I would like to say that my website is so close to being finnished I can taist it!!! I'll give out the doman name when I publish its final form Muhahahaha!
I know this is a short blog but I have one more thing to say, insted of buying a new Console... I bought Two Kayaks!!!! Woot Woot! Now I am going to be gone a lot becouse I love Kayaking I have been wanting to get one for some time, so yeah.
I promis though I will strive to be on at least every weekend! and then some! And I will start posting back on blogs!!! So hang on there, I am not leaving for ever!!!!