@estrowin: Lmao love how someone who uses a cheap console instead of a proper gaming rig (lets be honest, PC gaming is more expensive than console gaming, then again quite easy to be more expensive than a cheap $500 box, I am not saying PC gaming is expensive since even 1000 or 2000 is affordable imo when you view think of how many years and hours of use you will get out of your PC, but still) uses "you get what you pay for" as an argument for why console is better...dumbest thing I have heard today.
1. Yes pretty much BC with everything, and there are workaround for things should there be issues (hell you can even play retro console titles)
2. PC has both quantity and quality so this is a dumb argument
3. Mods are great, is it always click and go, no, but there are some amazing mods out there. But again spoken like someone who has never tried it. And hey its free, why not?
4. Frankly this sentence, and the way you type (I guess your grammar overall) suggests to me that you are a kid yourself. Adults are more likely to be PC gamers, simply due to the cost of gaming and building rigs being a hobby. Furthermore, over the year's the number of "headaches" that you get with PC's have come down (can not think of any tbh) while amount of headaches you get with consoles have increase (before in PS2 era you did not have to update, now you do, for example). The two "systems" have very much so converged in some of their complexity imo. That being said, I will say both the console and PC community online can be both pleasant, and toxic online.
5. What a dumb comment, open is good, not bad, moron.
6. Free online, where you actually get dedicated servers. Something quite a few MP console games did not have until last generation (looking at CoD...)
To conclude, don't knocksomething that you have not triedby providing baseless statements just because you can not afford it.(using this argument since you did say, you get what you pay for...)
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