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FREEDOM!!!! well...almost =D

I'm just 2 days away from it! :D Since we had that major ice storm and all the snow, we have to go to school until June 8 :( Boo! :cry: Oh well....the good news is I don't start school in the fall until August 26 :D That's really nice :D

Anywho, I took the SAT today :( It was a nightmare :roll: I got to sit with my friends though, so that wasn't too bad :D I think I did well on the math portion, okay on the essay, decent on the English, and terrible in the critical reading :roll: But at least I'm done :D Now I just need to wait on my scores......:|.....yeah, I'm really not looking forward to that :lol:

Well, remember that job I was supposed to be getting? The one at the nursery? Well, I haven't heard from them so I called them today. They say there are no positions open yet, but I'm first on the list, so I could still get a job :( We'll see about that :(

Aunt Mary Died...


Remember awhile back when I had 2 relatives in the hospital? That was 2 months ago :( My Aunt Mary was doing great for awhile, but she had another surgery last week to clean up some infection :( She wouldn't eat or wake up afterwards :cry: The doctors forced her awake yesterday, and she told them she didn't want to live anymore :cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry: She stayed awake after that, and talked to a priest, and said goodbye to family :cry: The doctors pulled her tubes last night, but she wanted to live long enough to say goodbye to her sister :cry: Her sister refused to come see her :cry::evil: Mary never gave up hope, and her dying words were "I just wish I could have seen Betty" :cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry: Isn't that terrible???? :cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry: What kind of sister would do that!? :cry::evil::cry: I'm going to miss Mary so much! :cry::cry::cry:

Today must be the "day of death" or something because David Carradine died too :cry: He was the voice of Clockwork in Danny Phantom :(

Why is life so cruel? :cry:

Might be getting a job!!!!!! =D

My family and I went to a nursery this morning to take a look at trees and landscaping tools for our yard. Some of the trees didn't have name tags on them. We think that some kids may have come around and ripped them off and threw them in the mud :( Anywho, my parents relied on me to tell them which tree was which :lol:

Well, one of the workers heard me, and came up to us. He asked us if we needed any help, but my parents said no because I was helping them enough :lol: The guy then looked at me and complimented me on my knowledge of trees. My mom spoke up and said I was going to become an environmentalist, and that I knew a lot about trees and the environment. I asked if they accepted interns from high schools, and he told me to come with him to ask the manager.

On the way there (it was a long walk), he told me about how most of the people who worked there didn't know a maple from a cottonwood :lol: He told me his name was Jason, and went on to talk about the work at the nursery. He talked the whole way there :lol: :roll: Anywho, he told me to wait outside while he talked to the manager. I heard him talking about me to her. He told her how smart I was, and how I knew a lot about the trees and plants. He came out awhile later with an application, and offered me a job!!! :shock: :D He said interns weren't allowed, but summer help was :lol: He told me to fill it out as soon as possible and he would do what he could to get me the job :D I told him I would come back at 5 pm and turn it in.

I went back at 5, and found him waiting in the parking lot :lol: He took my application, looked it over, and said he would do what he could to help :D So I might be getting a job!!!!! :lol: I can't wait!!!! :D

Back to my Internship =D

I took a few hours out of school today to go back to the elementary school and visit my internship site :D I got to see all the little kids again!!!!! :D :D :D

I was really nervous at first. The kids didn't know I was coming, so I was really nervous about how they would react to seeing me again. I had no reason to worry :lol: After I signed in, I ran into one of the kids in the hallway. He stared at me with an open-mouthed expression and said, "YOU'RE BACK!!!" :lol: After talking to him for a minute, I went to the classroom and knocked on the open door. The kids all turned to look, and they started yelling "TERESA!!!!!" "TERESA'S BACK!!!!!" "YAY!!!!!" and random things like that :lol: :oops: Then, to my horror, they all come running up to me at once to give me a huge hug :o They all managed to knock me to the ground :lol: :roll: I've got bruises and scratches, and all sorts of ouchies :( It was worth it though :D

It took me several minutes to get back up and break away a bit, but then they were back :roll: The teacher said they could chat with me for a few minutes, so they all ambushed me again :roll: They got so tall! :o Some were about as tall as me, and they happily pointed that out :roll: They spent the next 4 hours making fun of my height :roll:

While I was there, I chatted with the kids, and did my old internship stuff like copies, filing, and grading. Lunch was where everything changed :( I went out to recess with the kids so I could spend more time with them. I got out a little late, so they were already spread out and playing. One of the girls wasn't. Her name was Trianna, and she was sitting by herself at the door :( I sat next to her, and asked her why she was alone. She said the other kids make fun of her and she doesn't have any friends :( My heart went out to her because I was in the same situation at her age :(

While we sat there, Trianna told me that the other kids call her "Bucktooth Beaver" because she has buckteeth. I was called similar names since I had buck teeth before I got braces :( Trianna is a lot like me, and I felt sorry for her :( I know how mean kids can be and how tough school is when they pick on you :( Then she told me that she used to have friends, but Alexis stole them all from her with wild rumors and lies. Alexis was in her class, and I knew her well :( I knew how she could be.

I also ate lunch with the kids. Trianna and Alexis came out of the lunch line at the same time. Trianna went to sit by herself, and Alexis sat with a bunch of her friends. She tried to make me sit by her, but I refused, and sat by Trianna. Alexis got so mad!!!!! :roll: She stood on the bench with her hands on her hips and giving me the evil look. Trianna got scared, and told me that Alexis would hate me now. I told her I didn't care, and that she was my friend now and I would sit by her. Trianna smiled, and said "Thank you" and gave me a great big hug :) I guess to her, that was a stand against the bullies.

Anywho, since I sat with Trianna, a bunch of other people sat with us. They included Trianna in conversation and I believe they became friends :D At least I did one good thing today :D

My Clover Collection

A couple of my friends wanted to see my collection of 4 leaf clovers, so here they are :D :D :D

These are my first 4 leaf clovers. I had more, but I either gave them away, or buried them with my dwarf hamster a long time ago :( I guess you really didn't need to know that :roll:

These are 4-leafs from last year :)

These 4-leafs are a mix between last year and this year. I think...:lol:

These are 4-leafs from this year :D The ones on the bottom right are a few that I found at school. They're marked by the blade of grass :lol: I got myself a reputation that day :lol: My Latin teacher saw me walk away, then stop, backtrack a few steps, and find 2 4-leafs in 1 second :lol: Now, some kids think I have a super power when it comes to clovers :lol: :roll:

More 4-leafs :D

Here are my baby 4-leafs :D The one in the center is no bigger than my pinkie nail :lol: The others are about as big as my thumb nail. A little smaller maybe :)

This is the rarest of 4-leafs :D I found it last Friday, and just about had a heart attack :lol: I didn't know there was such a thing as a 4-leaf clover of this type :lol: :D

5 leafs!!!!! :D I love finding them :lol: The top half is from last year, the bottom half is this year :D

More 5 leafs :D All from this year :D The smallest one is so cute :D It's the size of my pinkie nail :D

6 LEAFS!!!! :shock: :D The top one is from last year, the bottom one is from this year :D I tried as hard as I could to separate the leaves, but it was darn near impossible :roll: A lot of work too :roll:

And the granddaddy of all clovers....THE 8 LEAF!!!!!! :shock: :lol: I found it in the mutant clover patch under my bedroom window :lol: I call it mutant because of this clover :D I never knew there was such a thing as an 8 leaf :D I tried my best to separate the leaves, but that was a nightmare :lol: You can see 6 of them in this picture. As for the other two, one is in front on top of the other leaves, and the other is in the back.

I have about 200 clovers now :D At this time last week, I had 108, now it's up to 194 :shock: But I found about 15 yesterday, and they're still getting pressed, so they're not here yet :)

Official 'New Moon' Posters

I'm sure most of you have already seen them before, but here they are :D I wish I could post them directly to my blog, but I was having issues formatting them, so just click on the link :( Sorry :(

The second one is my favorite :D :D :D But I have a question about it: I heard from one site that it was going to be an official poster, but from another, it claimed it was just fanmade and was not going to be for sail :? :( Does anyone know the answer? I hope it will be real...I want one! :lol:

I stopped a thief!

I went shopping with a friend at Walmart yesterday. We stopped off at the McDonald's in the store for lunch. While we were there, a woman with a bunch of little kids came in and sat on the other side of the restaurant. She left before us, and forgot her purse :shock: I kept watching it thinking maybe she would come back, but she never did :(

Meanwhile, some guy comes in the restaurant, and makes his way to the purse. He stops outside the booth and looks around. He sees me looking at him, and sits down on the other side of the purse :( I kept watching him to make sure he didn't steal anything from it. He kept watching me as well. He tried to make it indiscreet, so he would look at me, then look above my head at the mural painted there :roll: I guess he was waiting for an opening where he could steal the purse or something from it without me seeing him.

I told my friend about him, and he started watching the guy as well. So I left him there to watch the guy and the purse, and then went to talk to the cashier about the purse. While I'm talking to the cashier about it, some woman goes to get it for me, and we give it to the cashier for safekeeping. After we hand over the purse, the guy walks out, and gives me the dirtiest looks I've ever seen in my life :shock: :cry: :evil:

I told my parents about him, and they're terrified now :( Get this: they won't let me go anywhere by myself for a week or so :evil: What the heck!? :evil: I seriously doubt this guy would hold a grudge and stalk me :evil: Oh well :roll:

Pics of my Preschool Diorama :D

For child development 2, I had to make a diorama of a preschool :D I worked on mine for a month :shock: It was a lot of fun, and I enjoyed it :D I got the highest grade of anyone :P I got a 218 out of 200, and even got more extra credit on top of that :shock: :lol: I'm not sure how much though. Anywho, my teacher has taught at many different schools, and she claims that mine is the best she's ever seen :D :D :D YAY ME!!!! :lol: :P Enough chatter. Enjoy the pics :D :wink:

This is the front of the school. I named it TRM Preschool because we had to use our initials :roll: If I had a choice for a different name, I would have picked Little Learners :lol: Oh well. As you can see, I included grass with flowers, and butterflies and dragonflies :D I even have doorknobs! :lol: The yellow paper is supposed to be a plaque. I wrote when the school was founded, by who, and who helped me with the project :D I had to cover up part of it for safety reasons.

This is the inside! :D Colorful isn't it? :lol: I used foam for the floor covering, and each color represents a center :D The purple is the reading center, the orange is the desks and front board, the red is the art center, the green is just a walkway, the yellow is the play area, and the blue is the cubbies :D

PLAY TIME!!!! :lol: I've got a toy box, blocks, and a teeter totter! :lol: I love my teeter totter! :lol: It was difficult to make, but it was well worth it :D Everyone loved it :D Even my teacher was playing with it :lol: :roll:

Here is my art center! :D I love the walls :D I used scrapbooking paper for it :D On the desk I have art work. Too bad you can't see it clearly :( It looks like preschool drawings too! :lol: There are scribbles and messy drawings :lol: They're adorable :D Iv'e got an easel, stools, and the teacher is standing there :lol: I made the teacher out of pipe cleaners :D

Here is the front board. I've got an alphabet, a number line, chairs, a table with spelling tests on them (you can see the one by the pink chair got an A+) and the student is there :lol:

Here's my reading square :D Everyone loves the books I have on the book shelf :D And I have bean bag chairs there too :D I have wall decorations, a clock above the door, to the right are the cubbies and my American flag :D

Here's the bathroom :lol: This part was tricky, but it turned out better than anyone else's :lol: :P I've got a blue toilet :lol:, a sink, a trash can (with trash in it XD), toilet paper, and a roll of paper towels :D I used actual toilet paper and paper towels for this :lol: Nobody else thought to do that :roll: I even have a cute little bathroom sign on the door, but I don't have a picture of it :( Sorry. You can also see my blocks a bit better in the play area :D

Here's the back of the school :D I have grass with flowers, butterflies, and dragonflies, a bush, a window, and a door :D And you can't forget my awesome brick :lol: My mom helped me do it because I was having a hard time measuring and drawing it :roll:

And then here's the last picture I have: the side. Not much difference from the back or front part of the school :lol:

So what do you think? :D :D :D :D :D

Internship Pics

I know these are a little late, but I haven't found the time to post them until now :lol: I have more, but for safety reasons, I can't post them :( Sorry...

These are the Valentine's Day cards the kids gave me during the party :D I still have them, and look at them often :oops: I miss them so much! :cry:

This is a picture of the chalk board at the front of the cla$$room. It's not very interesting, and it's a little blurry, but yeah :lol:

This is the small worktable where the kids and I worked together in small groups :D The chair to the left is where the computer is located. I worked there quite often as well :lol: And look!!!! WINDOWS!!!! :lol: My high school doesn't have windows, except for a few and they don't open, so being in a cla$$room with windows was very strange :lol:

This is the cla$$room :D Don't those chairs look comfortable? :lol: They are :lol:

Another view of the cla$$room :lol: This was from the viewpoint of my desk where I worked while they worked :lol:

Here's my seat!!!! :lol: I sat at the black chair while the kids sat in the two red chairs :D You can even see my purse and water bottle :lol: And a book that I was using while teaching a student :D

I wish I could share more pics, but unfortunately I can't :cry: I don't want any harm to come to the kids :( Sorry :(