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trm6 Blog

My Friend Has Leukemia!!!!

I just found out on Tuesday that a very good friend of mine had Leukemia!:cry::cry::cry: She's been in the hospital for over a week now because of internal bleeding and she finally just told us that she has this disease. She went to Riley's Children's Hospital yesterday morning. Hopefully she will get better and come back to school soon.

Pray for Cassie!!!!!:cry:

More Great News!

My grandfather got out of the hospital on Tuesday:D He's okay now, and finally talking normal again. He wanted my family and my cousins to come over for a pizza party that night, but he just got out of the hospital for having a heart attack!:roll: Why would he want to go back to eating the foods that caused the heart attack?:?

Quote Game 1

Good at interpreting quotes? If so, try this game. Each week, I will post a new quote and you are to try and interpret it. The user who interprets it correctly will win and will be recognized on my blog and on my signature. Here are the rules:

  1. Interpret the quote using 1-2 sentences.
  2. Don't copy off another user or you will be disqualified.
  3. Once you post a response, you are not allowed to change it.

Here is the quote:

“I want to be all used up when I die.”   -George Bernard Shaw

My Report Card

I got my report card. Here are my grades:

World History:  A:D

Biology 1-2:  A:D

Computer Applications 1:  A:D

Career Planning and Success Skills:  A+:lol:

Latin 1-1:  A:D

High-Speed Internet

I finally got high-speed internet yesterday! I can now watch videos on YouTube and download the Ben 10 episodes on! High-speed internet rocks!!!!:D

Great News!!!

My grandfather made it through his heart surgery last Wednesday:lol: He is still in STICU (Surgical Trauma Intensive Care Unit) but they are thinking of moving him to another room today.:D He is slowly waking up and he holds my hand and squeezes it when I tell him I love him and he occasionally opens his eyes and looks at me so he knows I'm there for him. The doctors will take his breathing tube out soon so he can talk to us. I can't wait! I'll keep you posted on further information.:wink:

My Grandfather's Dying!!!

My grandfather had a heart attack early this morning. The doctor's are not sure if he is going to make it or not. I don't know what to do!:cry::cry:

I'm Confused

Does anybody know how to add pictures to your signature? I tried to, but it never shows up. It doesn't show up on my signature or on my preferences.