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Bad News

Do you guys remember my ear problem that I've been mentioning for the past few weeks? Well, the medicine still isn't helping, so I went back to the doctor this afternoon (for the fourth time in one month).

My doctor has no idea what's wrong with me:cry: He says both my eardrums are retracted and that's what's been causing my migranes and constant ear aches:evil:

He's sending me to an ear specialist so they can do tests to figure out what's wrong:( I'm going on April 6 at 8:30 AM. My doctor also took me off my original medicine so my ears are killing me right now:cry: I have to suffer two more weeks:cry::evil:

Alakard1313: I will write another blog tonight and I will beat you!!!!! I'm not giving up!:P

This is for alakard1313


There! That should do it:P Wow, my hand and arm hurts alot right now. I didn't copy and paste like some people (coughalakard1313cough):P

For those of you who don't know what this is about, alakard1313 and I were emailing each other last night, and we had a contest to see who could type the most smilies. He cheated because he copied and pasted:P But I don't think he will be able to beat this:lol::P

20 Philosophy Quotes

  1. Take the time to smell the roses. Sooner or later, you'll inhale a bee and die.
  2. No problem is so big and difficult that it can't be blamed on somebody else.
  3. Revenge is good. It's what separates us from the animals and hippies.
  4. Whenever you're pi**ed off, just remember that it's better than being pi**ed on.
  5. Screwed up people settle fights through violence. Screwed up people start wars that could kill millions. Normal people settle fights through cakes, cookies, and pies. Normal people are fat.
  6. Be normal, the crowd will accept you. Be deranged, and they will make you their leader.
  7. Every great man was thought to be insane before he changed the world. Some never changed the world. They were just insane.
  8. I don't fail. I succeed at finding what doesn't work.
  9. It's always funnier until someone gets hurt. Then it's funnier.
  10. When in doubt, do it.
  11. A crappy life is a great excuse to live a crappy life.
  12. Always apologize first - it annoys the crap out of people.
  13. "Losing builds character" You know who said that? A loser.
  14. Laugh, and the world laughs with you. Cry, and the world laughs harder.
  15. There's a one-in six billion chance that you'll find you're soulmate. And that's if you're not dead.
  16. Learn from your parents' mistakes. Use birth control.
  17. Born free; taxed to death.
  18. I don't suffer from insanity. I enjoy every minute of it!
  19. We are brought into this world cold, weak, and helpless. And then it gets worse.
  20. Beauty is in the eye of the beer holder.

Why the English Language is so Hard to Learn

I've always wondered why people say I'm lucky to have English as my first language and now I know why:

  1. The bandage was wound around the other wound.
  2. The farm was used to produce produce.
  3. The dump was so full that it had to refuse more refuse.
  4. We must polish the Polish furniture.
  5. He could lead if he would get the lead out.
  6. The soldier decided to desert his dessert in the desert.
  7. Since there is no time like the present, he thought it was time to present the present.
  8. A bass was painted on the head of the bass drum.
  9. When shot at, the dove dove into the bushes.
  10. I did not object to the object.
  11. The insurance was invalid for the invalid.
  12. There was a row among the oarsmen about how to row.
  13. The were too close to the door to close it.
  14. The buck does funny things when the does are present.
  15. A seamstress and a sewer fell down into a sewer line.
  16. To help with planting, the farmer taught his sow how to sow.
  17. The wind was too strong to wind the sail.
  18. After a number of injections, my jaw got number.
  19. Upon seeing the tear in the painting, I shed a tear.
  20. I had to subject the subject to a series of tests.
  21. How can I intimate this to my most intimate friend?

42 Absolutely Useless Facts

It was a two and a half hour early dismissal in school today, so I though I'd celebrate with a big blog post:P

  1. Rubber bands last longer when refrigerated.
  2. Peanuts are one of the ingredients of dynamite.
  3. The national anthem of Greece has 158 verses. No one in Greece has memorized all of them.
  4. There are 293 ways to make change for a dollar.
  5. The average person's left hand does 56% of the typing.
  6. The venom in Danny Longlegs spiders is more poisonous than a Black Widow's or Brown Recluse's, but they can't bite humans because their jaws won't open wide enough.
  7. Mel Blanc (the voice of Bugs Bunny) was allergic to carrots.
  8. A shark is the only fish that can blink with both eyes.
  9. There are more chickens than people in the world.
  10. Two-thirds of the world's eggplants are grown in New Jersey.
  11. On a Canadian $20 bill, an American flag is flying over the Parliament Builing.
  12. Women blink nearly twice as much as men.
  13. Shakespeare invented the words "assassination" and "bump"
  14. Marilyn Monroe has 6 toes on one foot.
  15. If you keep a goldfish in a dark room, it will eventually turn white.
  16. All 50 states are listed across the top of the Lincoln Memorial on the back of the $5 bill.
  17. Winston Churchill was born in a ladies room during a dance.
  18. Maine is the only state whose name is just one syllable.
  19. A cat has 32 muscles in each ear.
  20. An ostrich's eye is bigger than its brain.
  21. Tigers have striped skin, not just striped fur.
  22. The names of all the continents end with the same letter they start with.
  23. It is impossible to lick your elbow.
  24. In most ads, including those in newspapers, the time displayed on a watch is 10:10.
  25. The only real person ever to be a Pez head was Betsy Ross.
  26. The Sesame Street characters named Bert and Ernie were named after Bert the cop and Ernie the taxi driver in the film It's a Wonderful Life
  27. If you toss a penny 10,000 times, it will be heads not 5,000 times but more like 4,950. The heads picture weighs more.
  28. A dragonfly has a life span of 24 hours.
  29. American Airlines saved $40,000 in 1987 by eliminating one olive from each salad served in first class.
  30. China has more people who speak English than the U.S.
  31. You share your birthday with at least 9 million other people in the world.
  32. The electric chair was invented by a dentist.
  33. A goldfish has a memory span of 3 seconds.
  34. A dime has 118 ridges around the edge.
  35. On an American $1 bill, an owl is in the upper-left-hand corner of the "1," encased in the "shield," and a spider is hidden in the front upper-right-hand corner.
  36. It's impossible to sneeze with your eyes open.
  37. The winter of 1932 was so cold that Niagara Falls froze completely solid.
  38. Polar bears are left-handed.
  39. A cockroach wil live for 9 days without its head before it starves to death.
  40. In England, the speaker of the house is not allowed to speak.
  41. Donald Duck comics were banned in Finland because Donald doesn't wear pants.
  42. Mister Rogers is an ordained minister.

You tried to lick your elbow didn't you?:P

10 Exercises for Your Brain

Your brain, like all the other parts of you, needs exercise to function well. Here are some alternatives to zoning out:

  1. Picture your house. Draw a mental map of all the rooms. Now try to rearrange the rooms so that your house is completely different.
  2. Think about how many windows there are in your house. How many doors? How many chairs? Closets?
  3. Recite tongue-twisters.
  4. Read a magazine article and try to work three facts you have learned into your conversation that day.
  5. Think up a new ending for your favorite book or movie.
  6. Write down a word that has more than 15 letters and see how many smaller words you can make from it.
  7. Memorize a poem.
  8. Make a copy of a crossword puzzle. Work on one copy of it and time yourself. When you're done, try to fill in the second copy in half the time.
  9. Read your computer instruction manual and teach yourself to do something new without the computer in front of you.
  10. List 5 statements that support something you really believe in, like freedom of speech. Now come up with 5 arguments against the thing you believe in.

If you have any others, feel free to share them:D

I broke my glasses today:cry: We were playing soccer in gym and this one boy, Ian, kicked the ball really hard. The ball bounced off the bleachers and hit me in the side of the face; knocking my glasses off and causing me to stumble.

I was alright, but my glasses weren't. The nose piece got pushed into my nose and was bent so that it touched the lens. The frame was also bent, so my glasses wouldn't fit on my face properly:cry:

I got them fixed though. I went to my eye doctor and they rebent them back into place:) My only injury is a small bruise on my nose where my nose piece hit. I'm gonna kill Ian tomorrow!!!:evil:

Oh! I forgot to say something:lol: The nurse came to gym to check us all for scoliosis again today:roll: When it was time for the boys to get checked, she told them all to take off their shirts in the middle of the gym!!!:shock::lol::D You would not believe how muscular those boys are!:D It certainly was a treat for my eyes:lol:

15 Signs That You'll Make a Great Teacher Someday

  1. You take attendance at family dinners.
  2. You correct your birthday cards and send them back to the people who sent them to you.
  3. You refer to the weekend as a time-out.
  4. You prefer chalk to chocolate.
  5. Your friends call you "Mrs. Tingle" and you take it as a compliment.
  6. You tend to say things like "I'm not repeating myself; I'm just reviewing the material."
  7. Your journal entries contain footnotes.
  8. You think Snow Day is the worst movie ever made.
  9. You get up at 7 AM, even on weekends.
  10. Your favorite time of the year is finals.
  11. You have more than two science experiments going on in your room at any given time.
  12. You'd rather teach yourself physics than go to the mall.
  13. You ask your parents for extra credit in exchange for doing chores.
  14. When you were little, you were disappointed to learn that Donald Duck's nephews didn't invent the Dewey decimal system.
  15. You have nightmares about home schooling.

30 Stupid Things That Parents Do

  1. They take out their bad moods on you.
  2. They don't stick to a punishment.
  3. They try to bribe you.
  4. They shut you out by keeping secrets from you.
  5. They constantly compare you to your brother or sister.
  6. They have different rules for you and your siblings.
  7. They give you the silent treatment.
  8. They think they're spending time with yu, but they're really thinking about something else.
  9. They tell your secrets to other people ( my mom does this all the time!:evil: )
  10. They send you mixed messages.
  11. They don't listen!
  12. They don't bother telling you when you've done something good.
  13. They fight in front of you and tell you to take sides in the argument.
  14. They don't tell you about their past and about your ancestors.
  15. They try to "fit in" with your friends, like they're part of the crowd.
  16. They don't punish you fairly.
  17. They make fun of you in front of your friends.
  18. They ask you to perform in front of their friends.
  19. They expect you to enjoy something just because they did - like listening to the Grateful Dead.
  20. They tell you not to do something - like tell lies - when you know that they do it all the time.
  21. They try to act like they're perfect.
  22. They don't apologize when they're wrong.
  23. They're serious all the time.
  24. They tell you what your opinions should be.
  25. They make fun of your favorite things ( like my dad and my obsession with Danny Phantom:evil: )
  26. They ask your friends too many questions.
  27. They don't include you in major family discussions - like where you'll live.
  28. They blame you for things you didn't do.
  29. They forbid you to do something they don't ever understand, like go to a party that's really going to be safe.
  30. They act like your parents!

You Know You Need...

You Know You Need to Diet When:

  1. You dance and it makes the band skip.
  2. You are diagnosed with the flesh eating virus, and the doctor gives you 22 more years to live.
  3. You put mayonnaise on Aspirin.
  4. You go to the zoo and the elephants start throwing you peanuts.
  5. Your driver's licence says "Picture continued on other side"
  6. You ran away and they had to use all four sides of the milk carton for your picture.
  7. You learned you were born with a silver shovel in your mouth.
  8. You could sell shade.
  9. Your blood type is Ragu.
  10. You need an appointment to attend an 'open house'

You Know You Need A New Lawyer When:

  1. When the prosecutors see your lawyer, the high five each other.
  2. During your initial consultation, he tries to sell you Amway.
  3. He tells you that his last good case was a Budweiser.
  4. He picks the jury by playing duck-duck-goose.
  5. During the trial, you catch him playing his Gameboy.
  6. He asks a hostile witness to "pull my finger"
  7. Every couple of minutes he yells, "I call Jack Daniels to the stand!" and proceeds to drink a shot.
  8. He frequently gives juror number 4 the finger.
  9. He places a large "No Refunds" sign on the defense table.

Rules for Dating My Daughter (joke)

Rule One: If you pull into my driveway and honk, you'd better be delivering a package, because you're sure not picking anything up.

Rule Two: You do not touch my daughter in front of me. You may glance at her, so long as you do not peer at anything below her neck. If you can't keep your hands off of my daughter's body, I will remove them.

Rule Three: I am aware that it is fashionable for boys of your age to wear their jeans so loosely that they appear to be falling off their hips. Please don't take this as an insult, but you and all your friends are complete idiots. Still, I want to be fair and open-minded about the issue, so I propose a compromise. You may come to the door with your underwear showing and your pants 10 sizes too big, and I will not object. However, to ensure your clothes do not come off during the course of your date with my daughter, I will take my electric nailgun and fasten your trousers securely in place to your waist.

Rule Four: I'm sure you've been told that in today's world, sex without utilizing a "barrier method" of some kind can kill you. Let me elaborate: When it comes to sex, I am the barrier, and I will kill you.

Rule Five: It is usually understood that in order for us to get to know each other, we should talk about sports, politics, and other issues of the day. Please do not do this. The only information I require from you is an indication of when you expect to have my daughter safely back at my house, and the only word I need to hear you say on the subject is 'early'.

Rule Six: I have no doubt that you are a popular fellow, with many opportunities to date other girls. This is fine with me as long as it is okay with my daughter. Otherwise, once you have gone out with my little girl, you will continue to date no one but her until she is finished with you. If you make her cry, I will make you cry.

Rule Seven: As you stand in my front hallway, waiting for my daughter to appear, and more than an hour goes by, do not sigh or fidget. If you want to be on time for this movie, you should not be dating. My daughter is putting on her makeup, a process that can take just slightly longer than painting the Golden Gate Bridge. Instead of just standing there, why don't you do something useful, like changing the oil in my car.

Rule Eight: The following places are not appropriate for a date with my daughter: Places where there are beds, sofas, or anything softer than a wooden stool. Places where there are no parents, policemen, are nuns within eyesight. Places where there is darkness. Places where there is holding hands, dancing, or happiness. Places where the ambient temperature is warm enough to induce my daughter to wear shorts, tank tops, mid-riff t-shirts, or anything other than overalls, a sweater, and a goose down parka zipped to her throat. Movies with a strong romantic or sexual theme are to be avoided; movies that feature chain saws are okay. Hockey games are okay; old folks homes are better.

Rule Nine: Do not lie to me. I may appear to be pot bellied, middle aged, balding, and dimwitted. But on issues relating to my daughter, I am the all-knowing, merciless god of your universe. If I ask you where you are going and with whom, you have one chance to tell me the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. I have a shotgun, a shovel, and five acres behind the house. Do not trifle with me.

Rule Ten: Be afraid. Be very afraid. It takes very little time for me to mistake the sound of your car in the driveway for a chopper coming in over a rice paddy near Hanoi. As soon as you pull into my driveway, you should exit your car with both hands in plain sight. Speak the perimeter password, announce in a clear voice that you have brought my daughter home safely and early, then return to your car - there is no need to come inside. The camouflaged face at the window is mine.

If my dad ever made up rules like this, I would have to kill him:lol: