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Freaky Dream...

So I had this dream last night where I was being chased by a serial killer :cry: I tried to outrun him in my parent's car, and let me just say that a station wagon is no much for a mustang :cry: He was catching up to me, so I got off the highway where I was trying to get away from him, and drove down this weird street and ended up in a factory. I ran inside and tried to hide in there. He eventually caught and killed me, but that's not the freaky part :( Things like that happen in my dreams all the time :roll:

The freaky part is this: there is a factory that looks exactly like the one in my nightmare, down a street that looks similar to the one I was driving on in my dream :shock: I had never seen this factory before, but my mom took me there and showed it to me after I described my dream to her :shock: It's only 15-20 minutes away from where I live. Isn't that freaky? :cry:

Let's hope this dream isn't predicting the future...:cry:


Aren't they cute? :lol: :lol: :lol: I got the from glittergraphics :D

I was going to get more, but my computer got hit with a virus from the website, so I can't go there anymore tonight :cry: At least it's fixed now though :)

600 Blogs/ Level 42

Title says it all :D I'm so glad I got to level 42 today :D Level 41 was kind of scary :( That icon was just too freaky for my taste :lol:

Another thing to add, is my computer is fixed! :D For now :| Apparently, it just needed to be taken apart and cleaned :lol: :roll: Let's hope that was all that needed to be fixed...:(

Madagascar 2

I saw that movie on Friday :lol: It was hilarious! :lol: The parts where the old lady kept beating up Alex, and when the penguin had a Hula doll for a girlfriend were priceless! :lol: And baby Alex was just too cute! :lol: I also liked the part where the monkeys went on strike, and tried to blackmail the penguins so they could get maternity leave :lol:

I think I like this movie better than the first :lol:

3rd Year Anniversary at!!! =D

I still can't believe it's been 3 years!!! :lol: :shock: I've been looking forward to this day for awhile though :D I've got big goals this year :lol:

This year hasn't exactly been the best year, but it was alright :( I met great new friends and got more editorships and a Trusted Contributorship for Xiaolin Showdown :D But then there were the redesigns and friends leaving :cry: I seem to lose more and more each year :cry: :cry: :cry:

Back to the happy! :D :lol: On to announce my stats and goals! :D On the left was my goal, on the right is the actual :D

  1. 500 Reviews = 500 Reviews (53 shows, 386 episodes, 61 people)
  2. 7,000 Forum Posts = 10,081 Forum Posts
  3. 2,500 Submissions = 2,628 Submissions
  4. 550 Blogs = 597 Blogs
  5. 25 Editorships = 28 Editorships/1 Trusted Contributorship
  6. Level 50 = Level 41, 82%

That's the most I've ever gotten! :lol: I can never seem to get the levels though :| Oh well :D Better luck this year! :lol: Last year, I had 308 friends, this year I have 356! :D I never made that a goal though.

Here are my goals this year:

  1. 800 Reviews
  2. 20,000 Forum Posts
  3. 5,000 Submissions
  4. 750 Blogs
  5. 35 Editorships
  6. Level 60
  7. Community Spotlight

They seem a bit far-fetched, but I never start my goals until fall anyway :lol: If I start right away this year, I should be able to make it :D Plus, I'll have a reason to come around more often :D :D :D

Mall Cop

So I went to see Mall cop last night :D That movie is hilarious!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: It was kind of stupid, but it's one of those good stupid movies that you can sit down, relax, and enjoy :lol: :lol: I won't say anything more because I don't want to spoil it for anyone.

By the way, has anyone seen Bride Wars? That looks like another funny movie :D

Happy Valentine's Day!!!!!

And, of course!!, we can't forget the quotes! :D

  1. I love you today, as I did from the start, I'll love you forever, with all of my heart. Happy Valentines Day!
  2. Love makes every day a joy, and every moment a memory.
  3. Thank you for the memories of yesterday, for the happiness today, and the promise of all tomorrows!
  4. For the one person who gave me the courage to love with all of my the person who is like no other...Happy Valentine's Day!
  5. True love is friendship set on fire
  6. How sweet it is to be loved by you!
  7. We may not have it altogether, but together, we have it all!
  8. I never dreamed that one touch could change my life until you took my hand in yours
  9. You're all I've ever dreamed of, a fairytale come true...
  10. Our love is a journey, with a beginning and no end.
  11. It's still a mystery to me, I haven't got a clue, how I got so lucky and found you!
  12. All of my heart, I'll send to you, all of my life, I'll spend with you!
  13. You're the twinkle in my eye, you're the song in my laugh, you're the light in my smile, you're my everything.
  14. I love you for not only who you are, but for who I am when I'm with you.
  15. I love your lips, I love your st*yle but most of all, I love your smile!
  16. The beauty of these roses can't match the beauty of depth of love I feel for you.
  17. I send a kiss inside the petals of each rose.
  18. Cupid's aim is still pretty good.
  19. With you, it's Valentine's Day 365 days a year!
  20. When I think of love, there's only one thing that comes to mind...You!

Valentine's Day Party at my Internship =D

I was hoping I would find out who gave me that ring, but nobody came forward :( That's okay though, because I had an excellent time! :D :D :D

I think every single kid got me a Valentine :oops: I even got a few treats :lol: Brownies, candy, chocolate, fun dip, etc. :lol: I can't wait to get home later so I can eat it :P

I spent my week hand making Valentine Day cards for the kids and some of my friends :oops: That's why I was on so less this week. I'll get on this weekend to respond to PMs and such :wink: Sorry about the wait :oops: Anywho, the kids absolutely loved the Valentines I made them :D :D :D They were also thrilled when I told them I handmade them because I care about them so much and handmaking the cards was the only way to show that :)

My mom and I also made them cupcakes :D Again, they loved them :lol: Too much :lol: I had 2 extra, and they tried to steal them :lol: I put down the platter, and when I turn around, it's gone :lol: They had taken it to the other side of the room to try to steal and eat them :lol:

Might Be On Less....

I'm really sorry to say this, but there might be a chance that I won't be coming on as much :cry: :cry: :cry: has always been fun and exciting for me, but now it's starting to get boring and tiresome :cry: Not to mention some ongoing drama that is really ticking me off :evil:

Anywho, a bunch of my friends from this site left a long time ago, and joined a new site called gaiaonline. I might start spending more of my time there instead of here :( If you have an account there and want to be my friend, send me a friend request :) But be sure to say who you are here at so I know :) It won't be hard to find me because my username is trm6 :lol: :roll:

More on the Copper Ring...

For those of you who don't know, a 4th grader I work with each day secretly gave me a copper ring last week. I don't know who gave it to me, but I had a few suspects :lol:

So I've narrowed it down to 2 kids :lol: One of them can't look me in the eye without blushing and smiling, and he's always staring at me :roll: :lol: The other, always stares as well, and he always visits me at my desk and tells me how pretty I look and how nice I smell :roll: :lol: He told me his favorite color was green today, and when I told him my favorite was pink, he claimed that was his favorite color too :lol:

Who do you think it might be?