Agreed, very magical. The only thing I disliked was weapon durability, but its just minor annoyance
trollhunter2's forum posts
ugh -_-
stop pls. Me pointing out facts about fanboys overhyping scorpio all year, based on MS PR =/= me being a cpw. Not every one that complaints is labelled cow y'know. I was against midgen revisions altogether
3DS by the landside
I don't even think psvita has much standout games. Maybe a handful Goty worthy titles(counting 7 or 8)
One of the most disappointing PlayStation Devices. It's even more frustrating that it's technically the best handheld ever made(not counting switch for obvious reasons)
Sad indeed
@Juub1990: I remember on most forums(system wars, gamefaqs, n4g etc) how fanboys hyped the machine, like its some Generation leap compared to ps4 pro(mind you, actual ps4 pro comparison, not regular ps4). They hyped up some Zen powered machine. Things got worse when some second party dev on Neogaf evoke some rumors that scorpio is like a next gen console, not half assed(his words) like ps4 pro
Seeing those Digital Foundry videos, Scorpio sounds more like what the PS4 Pro is, but more powerful (it should be, launched a whole year later). Fanboys who said Ryze or Vega had unrealistic expectations from the System. Not to mention the slight bottleneck in sticking with Jaguar cpu
My post is based on specs, just to clarify
@harnessthepower: xbox one ui is a messy, slow and clunky compared to ps4, your topics smell like astroturfing :/
Now it's perfect time to build in house quality first party titles. Give your devs creative freedom to create what they want, not forcing them on one franchise
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