This is kind of a personal blog, but House has hit home! This requires some background, which is the personal part. My father died two years ago, less than a year after my mother died. Over 50 years together. Not bad. He didn't leave a will, so the estate has to be divided up between the three brothers. I'm the middle one. My older brother was designated the unofficial administer of the estate. After a couple of months, my younger brother started accusing my older brother that he was mismanaging the estate (like stealing money). It became nasty. But my younger brother couldn't provide any evidence of impropriety. It was baseless. I was kind of the negotiator, someone who could talk to both of them. So we open the estate, and have a meeting with the lawyer. My younger bro doesn't talk a lot at the meeting, and our interaction is minimal. I hadn't seen him in nine months. Later that night, around midnite, young bro comes to the House, in tears, says he's going to kill himself. I said, "Do you have a gun?" He says yeah. Then I ask, "Do you have the garbage bag?" He says "what?" I said, "you need it to put over your head, so they don't have to pick your brains off the wall. Show some consideration." That was my House moment, lol. I really wanted to give him some perspective. I got the guns from the trunk of his car, btw. He had a Desert Eagle, the biggest handgun I've ever seen. But that's another story. Turns out he wants to end it because he's losing his mind. He was having scary type memory loss. As an example, he goes out to the grocery store. Once on the road, he forgets why he's in the car. That would scare me. It's not until he gets back home till he remembers. Sounds like Alzheimer's type stuff. He had started going to neurologists. He knew something was wrong. So today he drops by, and tells me the diagnosis. "Brain encephalopathy." I looked it up on google, and it's a booger. I'll admit, the first thing I thought of was House. Would probably need Foreman too, at least. Look it up! They should use this condition as a plot device, if they haven't yet. There can be so many causes, and the conditions can become so debilitating. Before young bro left today, he wanted his guns back. I gave them to him. I've always had a close connection to House, but today it really hit home.
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