Whew! Detox is a rough business! :) Special thanks to Glenn11523 for initiating this effort. One suggestion to Glenn- lighten up! Your latest blog sounds a little general. Not as in not specific, but as in a Little General! Everyone participating has been good little soldiers. But free spirits can have problems taking orders! On to The List.
Some of these suggestions will fall into categories, rather than a single suggestion. My activity on tv.com mostly involves blogging and checking out the House forums. I know there's a lot more to tv.com, so I look forward to reading my other Friends' suggestions. I'll probably learn a lot more about tv.com!
1. Fix The Bugs
Sounds simple enough. But I know they're out there, and they haven't been fixed! One that comes to mind is the blog comments section. If there's more than one page of comments, I can't go to the next page! Also, when I reply to Friends' comments, all my text runs together! I can't break my replies into separate comment paragraphs. A hard return doesn't do it. I'm sure there's an html code to make it happen, but I'm not an html kind of guy!
2. Make the text easier to read
In my experience, this applies to discussion threads and reviews. And to blogs, but I'll get back to that in a moment. Basically, the text needs to be about one-third larger, and the line length about one-quarter less in width. It will make everything much easier to read. There's also the bright white background, and grayness of the text. It might be my imagination, but it seems the text has been darkened a bit. But if you could enlarge the text and reduce the line width, it would make a huge difference.
3. Give typography control back to the blogger
Before the redesign, bloggers had great control over how their blogs were presented. Currently, we don't have that luxury. You can still use the control panel to set type size, color, typeface, etc., but it doesn't show up the way it used to! As an example, look at a blog on tv.com, then look at the same blog on movietome.com. That's worth a thousand words!
4. Bring Common Sense Back to the Profile Page
There's many things in this category. First and foremost, show me more of my Friends Blogs that I'm tracking! There used to be around twelve, now there's four! That means I can easily miss blogs as they're rotated. Also, just show the current blog on a profile page. Not this partial blog intro, which runs together and can be a pain to read. I never read it, I just go to their full blog. Wait, that gives you an extra page view! Stop playing games. Think User Friendly. On a Vanity Note, the image in the "About Me" section, it's really distorted, stretched wide. Fix it! Also, my "page views" has been stuck for a long time, since before the redesign. But that's a personal problem!
5. Put a comments section in the User Reviews
Just like in blogs. It could open up some intriguing conversation! Ideally, the person making the review could have comments open or closed. I have friends who make reviews but don't blog. It would be nice if they could have the comments feature.
Also... wait, that's it! As a bartender once said, "I think you've had your limit!" But I bet I could throw back a few more! :)
In closing, I would like to thank all my Friends (and strangers) who rallied together with blogs and banners to make this blackout happen. And others who didn't trumpet the protest, but still took part without any fanfare or rah-rah. And there are those who didn't observe the protest. For them, I've only one thing to say:
There's only three kinds of people in this world:
Those who can count, and those who can't!
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