@Undue_Influence: I agree with a lot of your points. I think that Activision should ditch Sledgehammer from the rotation, go back to rotating between Infinity Ward and Treyarch, and then just release a COD every second year instead of every year (would give each team 4 years to develop their next game). I also agree that the DLC fragments the player-base -> they should sell skins and maybe the odd weapon as DLC (as long as they aren't overpowered), but the maps should be free updates at this point to keep the players together. If the supply drops are making them money, they should maybe use them to distribute the skins, but I'm not a fan of them putting weapons into an RNG system (Everyone should have to pay the same money for DLC. Bad luck shouldn't make a gun cost one person $100 while a lucky person gets it from a free in-game case).
I don't think you guys understand why the Infinite Warfare trailer got so many down-votes on Youtube. The actual fans of COD don't want major change, just like the actual fans of any series want sequels to stick to their roots. COD fans want boots on the ground -> THAT is why the trailer got so many down-votes. While the review sites were praising Advanced Warfare for being 'unique' with all of it's boosting around, the majority of COD fans themselves weren't happy with such a fundamental change. True COD fans WANT the flat maps with re-skinned weapons. Ya, maybe come up with a new gametype or concept to put a different spin on the formula, but stop screwing with fundamentals of what made COD 2 and then COD 4 - BO2 such great games -> boots on the ground, flat 3-lane maps, snappy aiming.
I'm assuming it's because of how frequently the COD games get released, but I'll never understand why COD gets so much more scrutiny from reviewers/journalists and hipster gamers alike when it comes to 'being the same' as previous games in the series. Why are people annoyed with the latest Resident Evil games? Because they're nothing like the original games of the series. Why do people still love the latest Smash Brothers, Uncharted, GTA, etc? Because they DON'T change their formula much. They found the unique flavor that set their game apart from the rest, and they stuck to it. Could COD use a face lift? Sure, it's been lagging behind in that regard to keep the game functional on the old consoles. But now that they're moving on to just the PC, PS4 and XOne, we should finally get a fresh coat of paint. But they should STOP trying to 'innovate' and make an actual flipping COD game again! If Infinity Ward just took a new setting and new weapons but tried to emulate COD 4 in terms of how the game played, they would have gotten a far more positive response from their fan-base than they did with the Infinite Warfare trailer.
Could be fun, but it won't be the same. The anti-COD hipsters already convinced the majority of casual gamers that COD 'isn't cool' anymore. So even if the remake is well-made, it won't contain the perfect multiplayer mix of skill levels that it used to have -> COD used to have around 90% casual players, 9% people who played lots and ranged from decent to good skill level, and then 1% that were amazing. This allowed the casual players to enjoy playing multiple matches in a row with just other casual players, and the 9% were playing with enough casual players that they could enjoy being near the top of their lobbies most of the time. It was rare to run into an amazing player back then. Now that the casual players have been convinced to avoid COD, the average players are much more skilled, and the whole balance is thrown off. The result is that casual players get crushed and don't have fun, the moderate players are constantly playing against equally skilled or more skilled opponents so they don't get to be near the top of the lobby very often, and the amazing players constantly get their streaks cut short since the majority of the enemy team is comprised of decent players.
Honestly if Halo 4's lackluster story is any indication, I'm actually a little nervous now for how good MEA is going to be. That being said, it wasn't really safe in Bioware's hands either after ME3... I hope MEA feels more like ME2 from a story/character development/ hybrid of RPG and shooter/etc. standpoint, but we'll see.
@ragnar320: My personal RTS favs are Dawn of War: Dark Crusade and Men of War: Assault Squad. The newest of them is 5 years old while the other is approaching 10 (feeling old now). I was never a C&C fan but the Dawn of War franchise being put in limbo by the end of THQ is what damaged the RTS genre the greatest in my books. I would love to hear that Relic was given the right to make another DOW in the near future, but who knows. Heck, I'd even take a good Supreme Commander sequel at this point.
I know tons of people liked TF2 but it just never grabbed my interest.. This game seems to fall exactly into the same category..
Also, the 'one team always defends' gamemode sounds a lot more like Rush from Battlefield or Assault from Unreal Tournament2004 than Hardpoint from CoD..
To each their own I guess.. Of all the crazy action games ever made, Ninja Gaiden 2 will be very hard to beat in my eyes. This game looks more like Devil May Cry with bizarre 'hair attacks'. I never liked the Devil May Cry games and this one definitely doesn't look like it holds a candle to Ninja Gaiden 2.
:/ I just miss the good Ninja Gaiden games. 1 & 2 were tons of fun even though they were a stiff challenge. If the devs wanted to appeal to a more casual audience with 3, they should have just made an extra easy difficulty instead of screwing up the gameplay. Now instead of admitting their mistake and returning to the style of the good games, they decide to go a more comic book style? Hardly even resembles the same franchise anymore..
I think female characters have been done well in games that haven't tried to be realistic. When everyone is doing over-the-top stuff in a game (like Ninja Gaiden for example), then the girl characters seem to fit right in. However, I haven't yet seen a job done well with having a female protagonist acting realistically in a realistic game (the closest thing would be Femshep). Too often both game developers and movie directors get the idea that a woman has to act like a man in order to be considered 'tough'. This misconception often has the female characters come off as cheesy and annoying instead of cool or intimidating.
The reason Vasquez from Aliens was such an awesome character is because: 1) she was actually a strong woman - not a 90 lb super model, 2) she wore attire that made sense - no high heels or tight leather, and 3) she did her job while not trying to oversell how tough she was - she didn't try to beat up the bigger guys in the squad, she didn't do any retarded-looking spin kicks or flying punches like so many other 'action girls' do in movies these days, she simply did her job well and acted like she belonged in the squad.
In games, it would be nice to have a girl show up as a squad-member in a military/swat-style game where she wasn't trying to sound overly cocky or tough, and didn't go out of her way to take on guys in close combat when she clearly is at a size disadvantage, but simply used her training to out-maneuver/out-shoot and either kill or capture her enemy. -> Female characters can be both awesome and realistic if they stick to what makes sense: Bravery, determination, training and skill rather than brute force and physical intimidation.
I don't see the date that this review was made on.. but this game has received a ton of content in the last few major updates.. It is also worth mentioning that if you get new gear or you forma (basically prestige) a weapon or warframe, it's recommended that you only change one item at a time (so if you want to try a new primary weapon, leave your warframe, your secondary weapon, and your melee weapon fully leveled so that you can survive playing tougher levels) -> this keeps you from having to grind through low level missions that won't level your gear up very quickly.
tushwacker's comments