"Rockefeller is currently sponsoring the Violent Content Research Act of 2013".
Good luck US! Observe how the results will somehow spin in favor of these politicians short-sightedness. If so this will likely affect US developers and importing of games.
Regardless, I'm not too fazed about the results. Violence don't impact my enjoyment of the game.
Is this serious? How dumb are these police? Spreadsheets? Points? Kill himself so he won't give points away? WTF? Being this stupid just outed the syndicate between NRA and the police. This is just disgusting. Disrespecting the intelligence of everyone in the world by being this stupid and spreading absurd stories. Why can't they just stfu and accept the fact that there are broken people in this world. The cause? Society breaks people.
@notorious98 @Suikogaiden refund for what? The game ain't broke. The servers are. The game has been widely regarded as great, despite server issues. So why would you want a refund, when you'll be back in the shop buying the game (again) when the server issue is fixed.
@Bgrngod Are you really that short-sighted to make a comment like that? Do you know how costing works? Anyways the best thing to do these days with games is just don't buy the game on release day. I can tell you how much frustration i avoided by purchasing the game a couple days later. Why get yourself into a terrible mood over a game that has absolutely no impact on life?
@Zaistev_basic @Unfallen_Satan Companies exist to make profit for shareholders. It's no surprise many of the players in the industry are enforcing practices that deter piracy. Why are you blaming the companies who are trying to prevent theft of property? Try to imagine a world with out piracy? Do you think DRM would stilll be around?
Having said that there are practices that have become out of control. DLC and microtransaction for example. But then again the only reason why the gaming experience has change is due average players having more and more disposable income. Currently though, there is a slowdown, perhaps a slide, of disposable income. Companies have not adjusted to this slowdown, thereby causing friction to the market.
@Eagllefirestorm @twe1ve_5tones @kamikazeespleen It doesn't matter in this context, mainly because there are too many information that's not revealed. The only thing that matter is the fact that 2011 was when they were sued first. Not as what OP purports
twe1ve_5tones' comments