@Llama345 Yes, violence does not stem from leisure activity, such as video games. Violence comes from frustration and anger pented-up for long periods of time.
I highly doubt video games have any significant impact, if any, on an individual's violent capacity. If anything, video games are used to vent out frustration from the building anger caused by society's destructive nature of alienation and discrimination. Sadly these escape route with video games can only suppress these negative feeling for so long. With the unattended ever-growing frustration, individuals break and become extremely unstable.
It is my opinion, that the route cause of violence is due to individual's toxic environment. This includes poor parenting, society that continues to push the "outcasts" or "losers", and an education system that creates abnormally ridiculous expectations that only ends up confusing children. If we are to play the blame-game, its to the society and not video games.
@BoredGames animation is done by Studio Ghibli, a well-renowned film studio that have moved the hearts and imagination of both children and adults. If you are not familiar with them I would highly suggest you look them up. Also, expand on your thought on this being creepy. Have you ever watched animation before?
i think the video game industry need to be regulated even more (esp. pricing and mobile games). This DLC is another aspect of the gaming industry, wherein customers are taken advantage of by publishers. I believe the main reason why publishers do this is because they can get away with it, and people will pay for it. I observe how mobile games can be DL'd free of bought for cheap. But the games always have purchase options which in some cases are necessary to play the game to make it enjoyable. This micro (not so micro btw) purchases can cost far more than retail prices of consoles/pc games per individual. Ridiculous! Then you have companies like Capcom. They are great, but over the past years have just been trying to squeeze more and more money from their customers. How many SF4 did they make? was it 3 version? or 4? Ridiculous. Now this DLC crap, which plenty others are also taking advantage of.
It's about time regulations on pricing and content become tougher.
twe1ve_5tones' comments