@Giancarlo If you're referring to, "The Other Zone," that is laughable (not funny, though) for attempt at a 25th anniversary vid. GS useers love Zelda & would have appreciated a valiant attempt at a video showing & telling about your favorite moments in Zelda games, but it seems this is it. Very sad that 1/2 of the Senior Editors just don't understand their audiendce, or don't care to (as I'm far from the only person that feels this, and it certainly won't bring in new users). If this is what you have to offer a 25th anniversary of one of the best franchises ever, I feel sorry for your future. Best of luck, though.
@carolynmichelle "@twztid13 I wonder if you're pretending to misunderstand me just to be argumentative" That makes no sense, as I didn't know you would respond. I usually comment & never come back. That is not an argument. Sorry if you misunderstood me. PS - this GS message board is CRAP. I'm tired of it clipping off half my comments, not counting spaces, etc. UGHH!
@carolynmichelle I have read it, btw, and think a video journal, or anything, would be far better than this. Sorry for having an opinion, but it's what the reviewers hide behind all the time, so I should at least be entitled to one from the reviewers, no?
@carolynmichelle I feel they would make perfect sense, and you are just using that to get out of putting the extra work into doing a video piece (as many times there were both, as with GTA series). I'm not saying it was your choice, or your piece was any less than you would have read in front of a green screen, but it takes more work to do a vid, and GS continually shows that they don't care enough about Zelda to go the extra mile for it (even when Jeff Gerstman was the Zelda guy). It's a disease at GS, and not your fault. I understand you wanting to defend your place of employment, but it's history (and present, more importantly) speaks for itself.
I have liked each entry in the Zelda series more than the last, which means Ninty is spot on, imho (although I hate the DS portable entries. I thought I could play another windwaker on handheld, and you can't even control Link, except by drawing a line). EDIT: clarified that i meant the DS portable games, as the other portable games were great. I just hate how they wanted to force the touchpad on you. I know the game was built around that gimmick, but It should have been optional (but then noone would have chosen to play that way). To me, I never want less control over a character, so it was painful knowing what could have been. I LOVED the toon style graphics, as they did many things that they couldn't do otherwise, because of the technical limits.
@liam72 Do you not have any preferences with reasons to justify them in your life? Your whole life, you have liked everything just as much as everything else, and can't understand how someone could pick one thing over another? You need to be more empathetic, if that's truly the case (which we both know it's not, and you just wanted GS brownie points).
@Giancarlo Yes, I read it, but I prefer well done videos instead of written material that I can listen on the go. I usually Ignore these write ups, unless they involve certain editors. Have you ever heard of personal preferences, or do you just like to insult your readers? Sounds like you can't take criticism, and that's sad as long as you've been here (I've been here since you had hair). Thanks for your kindness & effort. I will try to return it everytime, cuz you are the best editor here. Merry Christmas.
twztid13's comments