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Going for a while

So I'm gunna be off Gamespot for a week. Its not exactly majorly bad, but I've become rather pissed off at GS recently. I feel that I keep getting the raw deal. Its annoying because I want to be involved, but with tournaments saying "Everyone welcome" and then clicking to find out " Sorry only for US and Canada" it pretty much sucks. I want to go into tournaments. Id recommend a site, www.xleague.tv. This sites great for tournaments, and I dont care if i promote another site. They even have a Sky channel, 279 Xleague.tv. They have tips about online play, the latest games, chats with publishers and magazine journalists as well as tournaments ON TV! So yeah thats why I'm leavin GS for a while.

Also because I have two major essays due in the next 2 weeks. It sounds geeky, but I wana do well in my degree. I want to get the best possible degree so I can become a games journalist. I'll come back onto here with some reviews (after i've done my essays lol) and contribute more to GS.

So I'll see you all in a week (except Tyzervirus who has my MSN lol), if you wana chat its tyzwain@hotmail.com

My new games

Ok I've been out and bought the following

Zelda Phantom Hourglass - £22.71 ASDA

Trauma Center Second Opinion - £20 Blockbusters

Genji Days of Blade - £20 Blockbusters

I also got myself a Component cable for the Wii. But the graphics look dodgy espec on Excite Trucks. They look pixalated and messy, is there a reason for this?

I'll be playing Trauma Center for a while, and trying to get a review up on Gamespot.

What have you guys been buying/playing?

Gamespot UK tournaments

Ok I'm kinda angry at the lack of UK tournaments on Gamespot. I mean do we (Gamespot UK members) have any tournaments? I pay for Gamespot,and I kinda expect a bit more. I mean they get a emblem for even participating in the tournament. I CANT GET IT AS IM FROM THE UK. God cant we organise something? Wer all missing out.

Just thought I'd loosen off some steam.

What I've been playing lately.

I've decided to play some of my classic games and to try and maybe finish them. So I started off with the Tekken series. I own Tekken 1, 2, 3, Tag and 4.

Any by most people's standards Tekkens 1-3 looks terrible. But I thought I'd give my own personal tribute to their re-invention of the genre. No longer was beat-em ups about Street Fighter and Virtua Fighter. Tekken brought a new face into the arena. And personally they did a great job with Tekken 1-3. So they can be immortalised with this video.


Almost there...

So I'm Level 11 and at 98%.....I dont think theres anything worse lol. Its like sitting at Mayfair in Monopoly and knowing your gunna get £200 pass and go, but your not quite there.

Anyway I've been inactive for a while, I've had personal problems and unis been a pain in the bum. Ive got 2 essays due in on the 9th Nov, as well as a presentation. So I apoligise to any unions or gamespotters if I dont post.

With my usual spending spree (well i am a student) I recently bought Beyond Good and Evil. Whats your verdict on it? I'm yet to play it, I've had a few hectic nights playing TS3 with my 2 best mates. Didnt go bed til 3 lol. All I gotta say is that I've never known flare guns to be so much fun :)

At uni...great

Ok so I'm at uni whilst everyone else in the world is having half term. But I do get next week off ( :) ) but thats to do essays ( :( ). So I cant really win either way.

Ok so the latest on me, well I pre-ordered Resident Evil UC and MGS4. Now all I gotta do is find the cheapest place to pre-order Haze, Mario Galaxy and another game I cant quite remember lol. Anyway I havent bought a new game since my video blog when I got the PSP slim and Metal Gear Portable Ops. Well when I say new I did buy Killzone and Chili Con Carnage for £10 each at ASDA, and then I got MGS3 Subsistence for £20 off HMV and finally I bought Metal Slug Anthology on Wii for £15. Now I'm gunna buy Mortal Kombat from Virgin for £8! Yes £8 lol. But I have to buy two, so I'm kinda bummed about that. But it is BOGOF. So any guys out there want a MK for £5?

So I'm at my friends house because I got uni today kinda early. And yes I'm living at home. Why? because my stupid student loan messed up and I couldnt get a flat lol. So I'm a real geek, but it does mean I get to stay at my friends house for a few days.

Anyway off to uni, got a seminar on Ireland ooooooohhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!

Online games debate

I've written this blog in an attempt to rationalise my belief in online gaming.

Ok so my first taste of online gaming was with the PC. Back in 1994/5 when the internet first started in games. I played classics such as Age of Empires online. At the time i was paying for dial-up and the cost of online gaming was minimal. This is about the only time I've ever paid for online gaming.

And so the PS2 and GC came around. I refused to play them online because I knew it was only for 2-3 years when their network adaptor came out and by then I would only have a few years worth of play. The Xbox is a bit different and I'll talk about it later.

So you might assume that I'm tight and dont like to pay for online gaming. True, but I'm certainly not tight with money. I've got 200-300 games and every major console, I just dont wish to buy additional stuff for a small amount of online gaming. You may think I'm missing out, and I too certainly feel that. But thats what I choose to do.

By this time I became a regular of PC gaming. Always online, playing the like of Tiberium Sun, Battlefield, Medal of Honor, Age of Empires 2 etc. I didnt feel like I was missing out. Even now I dont feel that. I feel like I'm sensible, because I'm not stuck with a network adaptor that doesnt offer online gaming.

Now the Xbox. Yes their online system offers a wide variety of things, and they certainly allow you to buy games for free from them. But to play online? £40 a year. Now If i had been playing xbox games online from xbox to 360, I would have paid them £200 over 5 years. Yes £200. I know its obviously got the better online gaming system, but I dont feel thats right. Sure their losing money over xboxs breaking down, but surely with Halo 3 they can decrease that cost? Even if it was £10 a year I MIGHT be interested.

But then came along Nintendo and Sony. They saw sense. They saw how PC games had huge followings, and that online gaming should be free. I thank Nintendo for seeing this, as they allowed the DS to have a wireless connection. Even today I can sit in bed or the bath playing 42 All Time Classics. It may sound stupid but its not. Playing games online should be free. We have to pay monthly for broadband, so why cant we play any console on it?

The PSP, Wii and PS3 all saw sense in the online gaming revoultion. They saw that online gaming was meant to be FREE. Each of them had wireless, free to connect systems. Even today I can play these games and not worry about my financial situation. I firmly believe that when you pay for a system and games, thats it. You shouldnt have to pay more.

So I'm currently missing out on Xbox games. Or am i? Today I saw that Gears of War was finally going to be released on PC in early November. And it should be free to play on the pc. Yes thats right FREE. An amazing sight for gamers like me, who feel that Microsoft shouldnt put money on online gaming. I can finally play Gears of War online. That and several other games such as Halo 2, Lost Planet and maybe Bioshock soon.

Before I end this blog, I just wana say that i am a PSwii60 owner (yes I own all 3), so dont judge me as anti-xbox. The xbox has some great games. My deal against it is that online gaming should be free. You never know, Bill Gates might actually see that Xbox might make more money if it had free online gaming.

Resident Evil Update!

The new RE UC trailer shows several new elements to the game.

Firstly it shows Wesker's death, revival and him meeting Serghei (the Russian Colonel). We get to see what its like to play as Wesker too. We also see him facing off against Lisa (from RE Remake), and we basically get to see what happens after Wesker is killed by the Tyrant.

We also learn of Ada and how she survived or was revived the same way as Wesker.

We also discover that weapons can be upgraded (e.g. level 1, Level 2 etc.). This seems the case from the latest trailer. You can customise weapons, and each one has elements such as capacity, power etc.

We also learn of more melee attacks, including Wesker dodging and kicking as well as Billy giving a 'sweet chin music' toa zombie :) There is also a boss fight with a Bat who seems attracted to a bell when its rung, again offering more interactivity in the game.

We get to see a great Nemesis fight, in which he fires rockets at you and you shoot them, as well as the mutated version grabbing you.

There will also be more information and files to grab ans view, which will help to cover what we missed in Resident Evil. And at the end the infamous line from Brad 'Chris! Use this' from the final fight with the Tyrant.

Also Gamespot have updated their hands-on with the latest version of UC, and can be found here

And the trailer can be found here

PS2 games onine with PS3?

Ok so today I got Metal gear Solid 3 Subsistence from HMV for £23.00. I dont have a PS2 network adapter, as I tried it on my PS3. And guess what? it works! Yeah I cant believe it, the game worked online! I couldnt get TS3 online, but with this one online it opens the important question:

What other PS2 games can you play online via the PS3?

So I'm gunna try some online, and post them a bit later. As for other news, I finally get to play MGS3 online and they SHUT DOWN THE SERVER. I got 13 days to play it. Cant believe my luck. I mean come on Konami! I know theyre doing MGS Online, but thats not for another 3 months atleast. I really wanted to play MGS3 for a bit longer. Its a pity really. Still I did miss Resident Evil online ( :cry: )so atleast I get to be gunned down in MGS3 online.

My verdict of MGS3 online? Not as good as I hoped. The reason is mainly because it was me against one other guy. Which meant I was pretty much losing 20-40. With me being killed 22 times and me killing him 2 times. Its kinda awkward control wise, but it looks like a decent game. So atm I'm kinda sceptical about MGSO coming out next year.