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Resident Evil Umbrella Chronices Update

Yes this is the new trailer:


It's basically the trailer version of the photos from IGN I posted earlier.

An update of the gameplay:

C!assic locations from previous Resident Evil games in full 3D, including the mansion from the original and RE 0, and elements of Raccoon City from RE2 and 3. In addition, explore the Russian stage, a completely new location as well as Umbrella's stronghold, which holds many secrets to events throughout the RE series. (thanks to HoboFightClub and Big Stu)

The Resident Evil Umbrella Chronicles website has been updated to bring new characters bio and also new wallpaper. Check it out here.

Also is the new cover art recently confirmed by Capcom - it looks pretty good in my opinion. Would have hoped for something a bit more zombish or maybe a main character? But anyway it looks good.


Downloadable PC Games

Ok because I play a lot of PC games , I was considering using a downloadable service to get my games? That way I can download a legal copy of a game, with its own serial code and play it online. I've been tinkering with this idea for some time, but the problem is that the service I wana use (Game's online one) doesnt have the latest games for download. I think it might be because they make too much money to sell it as part of a package, but I want to get the latest game on release with a download service.

The Game one I was thinking about was £17.00 a month with 172 games currently and 3 added every month. Does this seem ok? It has about 15 games I want to play, but I was wondering if there is another pc game download system that has the latest games available to its customers?

I've not liked the idea of downloading games because you dont get artwork or a manual or a neat disc, but with PC games coming out all over the place I really need to catch up. At the moment I'm constantly on Battlefield 2142 and C&C 3, but nothing more recent. I like gettng a maual to read, something physical that resembles what you've bought. Moneys so cheap when its used on the internet, and when I walk into a shop and give them my cash and I get a brand new game I feel good.

Anyway thats my dilemna for today.

List of top 10 RPGs...at no.10...

Ok I decided that I would create a list of the top 10 RPG games that I have or have played and miss severely. I'll make a load more, and I want people to comment on what they think! Any game you think I've missed out on or anything at all.

I'll start today with number 10 which is.....

Skies of Arcadia (Dreamcast)

A great game that I fell in love with. Although I've not yet completed it, when I started it I fell in love with the story, the action and the gameplay. To me, it mixes a serious issue with a bit of fun.

The story is that your the son of a pirate, and because your his son gives you no special treatment! He treats you as one of the ship crew, harsh tones and requiring you to call his 'sir'.

The onlydifferencewith this gameis that you own sky ships! You battle enemies on land and in the sky. Take control of the ship and navigate it to place, whilst fighting enemies on the way!

You battle against an evil Empire to fund your family and the whole community. I wont go into much more detail because it would ruin the game lol.

Other websites that have information on Skies of Arcadia include:

RPG Dreamer

Skies of Arcadia World

It is a great game. You can find a copy on Dreamcast or on the Gamecube (Skies of Arcadia Legends).

Why I hate forums

Ok well apart from Gamespot I'm also on several other forums. These specialised forums are placed for people to discuss ideas correct? But at the moment there seem to be plenty ofd!cks going around kicking people down. Its not so much on Gamespot, but on the other ones.

My prime example? The Capcom Europe forums. Theres one particularily nasty individual. Theres a post called 'Resident Evil Collection', and its for people to write what RE stuff they own. One person showed stuff they bought on eBay, and the dick called jlikew00t believes he has the right to declare what he thinks is good or not.

I mean he's a total dick. He says RE4 was rubbish, but I mean the guys at Capcom put years into that game. I know its not a typical RE, but personally I really enjoyed it. Plus its sold millions, has won awards practically every year for it and its a GOOD game. But no, jlikew00t believes he's right and that its no good.

He's a cyber-bully, and I hate it. Only today the BBC reported how cyber-bullying caused a grown man to commit suicide (click link to see). Does he not care about other people's feeling? I've stood up for people who let other do that to them, and yeah I feel better about it because if no-one stops people like that then others will suffer.

Anyway I'm gunna calm down now and play some games. :)

PS3 update 1.93

Ok I've updated my PS3 to 1.93 now. The only thing I've noticed is that the network is more stable, and that it doesnt sign me off for no apparent reason. Its been a whole week since the last major update, and many people were complaining about the bugs. So this one has hopefully fixed the bugs. Anyway anyone else notice anything different about the PS3 with the new update?

Game your most looking forward to?

The games I'm waiting for most are Resident Evil UC & 5, Call of Duty 4, Haze and GTA IV. But the one game I cant wait to have is Resident Evil 5.

What games you guys waiting for?

Online playing tips

Hey all, just thought i'd write a few tips for online playing. I play mostly online either on my pc, ps3 or wii (well atm only mario strikers). Just thought I'd give a few tips for those common problems either with the internet or with the game itself.

If you have wireless broadband, you can adjust the channel that you receive signal. Most of them have channels 1-11. Choose either 1 or 11 as these are two extremes - meaning that they will have stronger signal. Basically the wireless signal is more concentrated at either end of the channels. It will fasten up your gaming and web browsing!

Online strategy gaming: two very important tips. One is to use hotkeys. These make life a LOT easier. I have a friend who uses only hot keys, and hes MEGA fast. Learn your hot keys and map out your own strategy! Atm CnC3 is just AMAZING online.

The other tip is to make alliances quick. I know it sounds bad, but if you have an alliance with someone, you have military, financial support as well as a base to run to if yours is over-run.

Join clans to help with this, they offer support as well as learning curves.

Any good websites for gamers?

I find it hard for gamers to find websites dedicated to games and collecting that are from the UK. Most websites are from the US or are a pile of crud. I know some that are not from the UK, but are good for collectors and players.

www.digitalpress.com is a good one cos it has a list of rare games, a forum for help and a room of doom for everyone whos nuts about games!

Anyone else got a decent website or know of any?

PS3 to PS2

Just been playing PS2 games on the PS3. I thought most of them were ok, but playing the Suffering it went all weird. Oh well better get out the PS2 again.