I've decided that I'm going to focus on one aspect of gaming that I feel is under-rated: the video game set-up. Some people might literally have a few consoles under the living room tv, whilst others have devoted most of their time creating a video game paradise. Whether you play solely online, or bring all your mates over for regular gaming sessions - I'm going to outline some basics that makes your set-up a gaming room.
Now this is probably the most important aspect of your gaming. Its your sound and vision into the gaming world, and with the latest consoles offering HD, it seems the logical answer to have a HD tv. However, if your gaming is focused on consoles before the 360/PS3/Wii - then you may want to consider a normal tv. Some light-guns for older consoles don't work on LCD tvs, and so would require the older tvs to play them. If you want the best experience, 1080p is the maximum resolution in HD televisions, and probably worth going for an LCD.
Now, another variable is the size of your room. I take the guideline for televisions as, if where your sitting is equilivant to 3x the tv screen, then its fine. A rough guide for most gaming rooms is 32". However if you have a larger room, go for a larger tv. Its not important, unless you enjoy split-screen sessions and therefore, it would be essential. Its a huge change to go from full screen to splitscreen, and with more games online now-a-days, its becoming a redundant format.
There is a variety of different seating arrangements available for gaming rooms, however its not always important to buy a piece of furniture solely for gaming. In my current set-up I use my computer chair for PC and gaming, and luckily I have a sofa bed if my back gets too uncomfortable. On finding this website, I believe they can sum up seating arrangements easier, with every arrangement having good and bad points. Overall its important to keep a good posture, as those long sessions can really take a toll on your body.
Surround sound might not be important to you, but for some it brings the game to life. Unfortunately for me my recent system died, and I'm yet to get a new one. However the romantic image of having surround sound is often broken when your room ends up looking like this:
The perfect bachelor set-up...complete with tea and coffee shelf
Think of the space, and how your room will be affected by the surround sound system. Are there too many wires? Does it look a mess? And the most important question, does playing Super Mario World with 7.1 really sound better? I think not seeing as most early stuff was done in mono - rendering surround sound useless to anything earlier than PS1/PS2. Try and be realistic, and remember that a decent system costs quite a bit - so be prepared.
In my opinion it can really make a game come to life - my first experience of MGS2's opening sequence with surround sound was breath-taking. However its not for everybody, and for some simply hooking up your hi-fi is just as good. A decent sound system should do the trick, as even as a 2.1 the sound is much better. However some HD teles come with virtual dolby, so its worth experimenting to see whats right for you.
Keep your gaming area tidy! Its the pride of your room, and meant to be a centre-piece or a shrine for others to pray to. Make sure the wires are behind, that the shelves are clear and that you dust every now and then! No matter how little or large, common sense will always prevail.
Do NOT leave your set-up like this! Listen to your mum once in a while...
And MOST importantly:
Remember its not a contest for the biggest HD Plasma tele, or even to have 3 seperate wall mounted teles with one of each console, its about YOUR gaming space. Take pride in it, and people will be impressed. Take a look at this one below, its simple yet it looks good.
Simple as it is, it works!
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