Hey guys, haven't made a blog in a while, partly because I ran out of stuff to blog. But, I finally got something. The other day I went down to GameStop and was just looking around when I saw a huge selection of GBA games. I, owning only about four or five GBA games, missed out on some great RPGs for the aforementioned system. So I blew fifteen bucks on Kingdom Hearts chain of memories and Lunar Legend. Chain of memories is a fairly decent game,it iskinda-sorta card based so that takes some time to get used to, but other than that it'spretty good. Can't beat the second fight with Axel though...not sure why either, one of my friends had no problem with Axel but lost to Larxene. I beat Larxene no problem but can't beat Axel...go figure.
But I bought Lunar Legend, which is awesome! Not sure why I think it's awesome, it dosen't really have any new and exciting features. Maybe it is the cliche but still interesting story? Who knows, either way I recommend it.
Another game that just recently hit my shelf is 3D Dot Game Heroes. A little dissapointed in this one, I was expecting a lot more. Making your own little pixelated mess block by block is as time consuming as it is frustrating. The gameplay is ridiculously shallow and the art style is almost head ache inducing. If you're gonna make a retro looking game don't make every pixel 3D. Probably the biggest reason I don't like it is the fact that it resembles classic Zelda games. Never really liked The Legend of Zelda series (other than windwaker).
Well, that's my blog. Hope ya enjoyed it.
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