unbentonslaught Blog
I finally decided to put up my ps3 ID!
by unbentonslaught on Comments
only problem is... my internet wont work on my ps3 but its up there anyway!
A Bad Habit...
by unbentonslaught on Comments
Noob Disease Virus Dangers!
by unbentonslaught on Comments
BREAKING NEWS!! Noob disease dangers have been discovered! The dangers of Noob disease are: loss of friends, stupidity, confusion, consumption of large ammounts of cheese resulting in heart failure, and increased time on MMOs. These dangers may not be the same to everyone.
This news broadcast was brought to you by: The Organization of People Against Noobs (OPAN) and the Government Organization for Cures of Noobiness (GOCN).
An Outbreak OF Noobiness!!!
by unbentonslaught on Comments
final fantasy
by unbentonslaught on Comments
These games, these masterpieces they never end! But, who would want them to end? only peeps without Internet service, like me, cant play the new ones. Which I hate, I hate the horrible fact that you need Internet service for the new final fantasies!!! oh why why why!!
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