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unbentonslaught Blog

PS2 games are going out of style...

Sadly PS2 games are headed for the bargain bin... God only knows whatever happened to the original xbox games. They are almost faded from memory like the N64 or the sega. But we must forget about these things and move to the much better games. THE NEXT GEN IS HERE!!!! FTW!

A Bad Habit...

I have a bad obsession. I spend my hard-earned cash on clone trooper action figures. Seriously, I have nine of them. NINE! That is about $80 in clone troopers! Is it worth it? Of course it is. I love clone troopers they are so cool! Now your gonna ask if I like storm troopers. Not that much, for some reason I like the clones more. Don't know why but it is just so.

Noob Disease Virus Dangers!

BREAKING NEWS!! Noob disease dangers have been discovered! The dangers of Noob disease are: loss of friends, stupidity, confusion, consumption of large ammounts of cheese resulting in heart failure, and increased time on MMOs. These dangers may not be the same to everyone.

This news broadcast was brought to you by: The Organization of People Against Noobs (OPAN) and the Government Organization for Cures of Noobiness (GOCN).

An Outbreak OF Noobiness!!!

A strange new virus has entered our computers and can effect people! It is Noob disease! You may encounter people infected by Noob disease on MMOs what ever you do, DO NOT interact with them in any way and close the program IMMEDIATELY. Symptoms are but are not limited to, nausia, rash, noobish deeds, dizziness, a sudden craving for cheese or country music, and explosive diahrea.

final fantasy

These games, these masterpieces they never end! But, who would want them to end? only peeps without Internet service, like me, cant play the new ones. Which I hate, I hate the horrible fact that you need Internet service for the new final fantasies!!! oh why why why!!

The Good Old Days...

Does anyone miss the good old days? The days when you could buy a console game for 200$-300$ when it just came out? The days when games didnt cost more than 50$ when they were used? The days when graphics were OK and our game shelves were overflowing? This was before the HDTV change, before this change the middle class could afford a lot of games. Now games cost up to 60$ used, in bad condition. Sometimes I wish we could go back to these days but when I look at lost planet extreme condition's graphics I don't want to go back. But sometimes I pull out my ps2 or xbox, blow the dust off of it and dig through my shelves searching for a game. Then sometimes I go way back and pull out my sega genesis or my N64 and say, "I wish there was a place where you could find N64 or sega games." Sadly, there is no hope for me, these games are out of style. But no matter life goes on, I guess.