@pbego: "single-player is dead myth which raged a few years ago"
Ask Visceral Studios how that worked out for them and their new Star Wars game that EA killed and then shuttered the studio.
Large studios believe single player is dead (it's all multiplayer and focus tested to death), and it's not in the past that they believe that it's TODAY.
Not exactly sure why you said that like you did unless you haven't been following gaming news these past few weeks.
@Fartman7998: Interesting how everyone seems to be forgetting Army of Two: The Devil's Cartel when they mention the games the studio made, it was a good time, but not amazing game that I played through with my nephew.
@mortacan: As an owner of all three systems, I only fired my system up recently to play Cuphead, nothing else. Been months w/o being used to play a XB1 game. You can justify it all you want but it's true their exclusives suck, this holiday season is barren, and the games that should be out this year were delayed.
And if you need proof, look at this list.....go on I'll wait.
That is pitiful.
If you look at the PS4 list it almost never ends. Even the Switch list is more robust.
I can and do appreciate all of the support and BC on the system, but the lack of (exclusive) games is ridiculous, I didn't buy it to play multiplats, the installs are tortuously slow, and take too long to get into play anything.
But the proof is in black and white, sad but true.
"And what that turned into was us having an exclusive game on our platform. That's a game that probably wouldn't have happened the way it did if we didn't invest the way we did."
Wished Scalebound would have been treated the same....
Everybody complaining about this, yet Atlus blatantly left untranslated JPN kanji in SMT on 3DS and said sod off about fixing it, so at least NIS is fixing the problem....I won't have time to play it before the patch comes out anyway, so doesn't mean a hill of beans to me.
Bunch of people making mountains out of molehills....
Impressive, however like any run and gun like this practice and learning patterns is what leads to things like this. I only got to play it for a few hours but started to learn patterns pretty quickly after playing some bosses over and over.
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