Your right Im sorry it is 1449.00 I called the rep to ask about the parts he claims they are Per the Rep from Dell, Antec, Enermax, OCZ, Thermaltake and Seasonic make the PSU for the AlienDellWare, but mostly Antec. I dont know much but is Antec any good?
vIGAMEIv's forum posts
What's 70 bucks when you're spending 2k+? The 875w is probably overkill for most systems, but to me the 525w could also be on the edge depending on what you want to do in the future. If they're offering no middle ground and you're too lazy to swap it out later if needed, just get the upgrade and don't worry about it.
Its actually $1400.00no financing,free shipping no tax
[QUOTE="vIGAMEIv"]only saves $200.00 -300.00smc91352that's nothing to sneeze at...
That is true,Even more so right now in hard times,However if I was to buy the parts with my credit card I would pay financing, Through dells credit card I dont have any so that saves me $100.00 there,Also it comes with there warranty.I also have no time to try and put it together because I deploy again next week I need my wife to be able to get this pc and just turn it on and have no problems.Thats why I didnt go with was really thinking about ibuypower because I wanted to use that phenom amd black Edition its looks great was recomended by overclocked.
Thats what I wanted to know So I can upgrade later if I had to the power supply.In that case, it'd be up to you whether or not to spend the extra money now, or later. If you decide to upgrade your GPU later, you can always upgrade the PS at that time, and save the money now.
Well Im getting the radeon 5870 but it doesnt require a upgrade it says its compatable with that supply(525 watt).However since Im spending a but load of money I want this computer to last for a long long time.So I assume in 5 years I might want to change out the Graphics card.
Iam ordering my Alienware Auora from Dell and its asking me If I want to upgrade to a Alienware 875W Power Supply For $70.00 from a Alienware 525W Power Supply .Why would I want to upgrade this and should I?
I know Im going to get Flamed for choosing this but building a comparable system only saves $200.00 -300.00.So please dont Flame really need help on this
I thought you were going to build your own computer?
I report for duty next week and she doesnt want me using my time to build(wife)
Its a family Pc were they have LIMITED acces but they wont use it for games just there music and photos and its really just my wife because my daughter is only 5.She will only use it to watch spongebob.
So Im ordering the family there first pc today more then likely a Alienware with a Ati 5780 card .Any suggestions of course I will be getting MW2 and battlefield but anything else people can suggest?
So Im going to have to buy an Alienware or ibuypower today due to the wife not wanting me to deal with building it.So I need to know is there going to be a big diffrence from 5770--5870.Thanks
The difference between the 5770 and the 5870 is actually pretty large in performance. More or less the 5870 performs close to double the fps of the 5770.It's unfortunate that you can't be able to build it yourself. It's hardly difficult because essentially your just plugging in a bunch of things that each have their own specific place that are certain sizes. It's like a jigsaw puzzle where the pieces will only go next to the piece they are supposed to be next to.
yea,BUt the diffrence of building its going to cost me $1150.00 for partson a amd or i5 build then Im going to have to use my credit card thats going to charge me 20.00 financing for the next 6 months it comes to $1270.00 I end up paying were the alienware is going to be about 1449.00 no finance for 12 months with a i7 build -the diffrence is $179.00 I also get three years warranty with on call .
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