@effinjay: Exactly, i would give Zelda 8/8.5 or so, great game but its not best in any particular category i think.
I also sometimes play Hearthstone or other smaller games on my phone, its more convenient then the Switch which is to heavy, to big, takes more battery etc. When i travel for vacation i will bring it with me so thats nice but for day to day use not i dong think i use it outside of the dock much.
Also the way its going i think the Switch will end up like the WiiU. Most thirdparty say they are interested but nothing substantial is shown. Most new AAA games are being released on PS4/XB1 and PC. Unless Nintendo persuades the big thirdparty to bring the games to the Switch at the same time as the others i'm afraid the gap will increase and it will be the same story as WiiU where only Nintendo will be making a few games and focus on ports. So far the interests has been huge but the question is if that is enough for big companies to make the Switch a default platform for new games.
@effinjay: I can agree with this. I did enjoy Zelda but its far far from a perfect game, would it be another company/game it would be bashed for camera issues and other things like framerate and what not. It got a special treatment just because its a Zelda game. It was fun and everything but not a 10/10 by any means.
I like the idea behind portability but for me PS4 pro is better thanks to much better game library and graphic (yes i do care about that, playing Horizon and man this game is so nice! I have played very little but this is even better then Zelda from what i seen so far)
I might not be the right user for the Switch but i dont have time to play it when i'm on work or on the go, i like to sit on my couch and enjoy my games and play for atleast 1-2 hours at a time. So i dont even see myself carrying the Switch all that much. IT has happened that i tried it in bed for some platforming game like Shovel knight but i die to much, prefer the Pro controller and a big screen.
I am keeping mine mainly for Metroid and Mario (even if i'm sick of Mario, however the new one looks interesting). Not so many other games that are exclusive that i really want. Maybe Xenoblade2.....
Got 2 Switches and both have the crappy Joycon connection problem on the left joycon! WTF. Didnt Nintendo supposedly fixed this?
Now i must send it back through 2 stores since i bought them separately and here in Sweden we cant go to Nintendo directly. Great! Why are they still shipping the new packages with a bad joycon, are they really hoping people wont notice it, i guess they are relying on that, this is just bad and cheap on their behalf.
If your new start as Pyro, its just the easiest and most powerful class. Finished the game with STR/DEX build but now playing as Pyro/Dark and almost at the end so i have experienced both side and man Pryo makes the game almost to easy :D
@Eddie619: To be honest i dont care much which is stronger, i have purchased so damn many games on my PS4 that i wont be switching anytime soon for some performance difference. I might get Scorpio as well if there are enough exclusive. I usually buy all the consoles but i skipped the XB1. There are just to many great games on both consoles. Good for us gamers.
And here it starts again, even before its out the good games drop out. I see WiiU part 2 here.
I wanted a powerful console from Nintendo so that developers could with ease move their games to but with the Switch it wont be as straight forward, developers also need to take into consideration the portable mode.
I really really hope we see more games on the Switch, i will buy it anyway but it a pretty shitty situation when you have a console with a handful of good games and then it will gather dust like my WiiU.
vampyren's comments