@louixiii: Well yeah it's impossible, the money put into R&D and the fact that Dev kits have been sent out means they're not stopping it. It's not like a game where you can simply delay it and improve it more. This is hardware, and many units would've been produced already and they can't simply throw those away. For example, Apple can't simply put the headphone jack back into the i7, they've already produced tons of units.
@runstalker: Very true, Neo needs to look great, I mean i haven't owned a PS4 and I'm thinking about getting Neo. However my only concern is the price. If they made is 399 like the launch PS4 that I would definitely buy, but 599 and 699 is too extreme.
@zeromanzero: Exclusives in itself are bad. Why would you restrict someone from playing the game? Everyone should be able to play a game, regardless of where they play. I understand why they do it, but I don't necessarily love what they're doing. And anyway my OP was about Activision getting money each year by releasing content similar to last year and making bad ports, not about why exclusives are bad for business.
@zeromanzero: Not anti big business, but anti bad consumer practices. For example, AMD is a big business, and i support them completely. Activision meanwhile, well they're just doing bad shit.
@pongley: Actually if the companies plan for future backwards compatibility, it wouldn't be so hard, like the way PC games are easily backwards compatible with newer hardware.
@Xristophoros: But then stuff soldered to mobo like CPUs cannot be replaced and then it would be the bottleneck and then when you buy a new system all the modules you spent become useless. As much as I want consoles to be modular and long lasting, at that rate you might as well build a PC (yes i know this statement has been said over and over again). I mean the steam machines kinda failed because it confused the customer, and this could be confusing.
@simplytheebest: 'Look at those kinect sales!'. Are you also retarded? How is being able to play offline going to affect you? You're always online, good for your stupid rich cocky ass, but for people who don't, they can't play it. You just said it shouldn't affect your enjoyment, and it doesn't! Also no a shitty kinect cannot replace 4 lighthouses.
'Sony plugs' I don't own a Playstation, and have never owned one in my life, so checkmate. At least I don't have the stupidity of a caveman, unlike you.
I am not joking, Activision is the worst publisher of all time. Konami is bad for treating their employees (kojima) but at least they aren't getting money from the same games and expansions released every year. Activision always releases a COD game and a Destiny expansion, and so far I'm concerned they're not much different from their previous titles/expansion that cost $60 each. And I hate them even more ruining the recent MUA port, a game which was released on PC a long time ago that performed much better than the current port. And then this bullshit exclusivity with Sony and pushing the content exclusivity to almost 2 years. I picked up Destiny at half price, the single-player was soo short.
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