@notchedbandit: Why you have to be so condescending? Calling people children and very successful games turds? This is what makes you a troll not a person with an opinion. @gerr showed many examples that debunked your claim that "Environments/World is extremely repetitive and bland. Including the NPC's."
1st...tracking down a person who is running from powerful evil and can travel through time/space really would be pretty difficult and require a bit of detective work....It actually builds up quite nicely to a wonderful reunion
While quests did include fetching....Armor/weapon diagrams and treasure hunts..there was also a wide variety of other quests including monster hunts (which are super fun) Personal missions which help grow your characters personality and deepens the connection between your friends and other accomplices. Fun and often funny side quests that add flavor to the world and immerse you in the lives and lore of the everyday people. Political side quests that have rippling effects on the world. The vast majority of the quests had well rounded stories attached to them that gave purpose and a reason to pursue them.
Combat is very versatile with several different paths to open up for different play-styles. I didn't really thin the ability tree was all that great but they really improved on it and made it more viable in the B&W expansion. The combat (like all the Witcher games) has a steep learning curve at the beginning...I think this does turn some people away but if you didn't give it a chance and or even try to get better, that's your loss because it becomes great fun the more you progress.
There are several types of side events bu much variety within them your claim of copy/paste is absurd. Maybe the bandit camps and monster nests were relatively all the same but it made sense that you would run into danger and it served the purpose of making exploration dangerous. I see no problem here.
So, do go on.....I get it that there are some people who don't like this game because of personal taste or whatever but the reasoning that you have given so far is absolutely absurd. I would have accepted, "Meh, I just didn't like it." but not these flakey points. The game didn't win soooooo many awards because there are just that many fanboys out there or because overhype hysteria. It did so because it set a new standard for what open world games can do and it did so with class and fantastic story telling. Please, get out of here with your juvenile insults and copy/paste complaining.
@silversix_: It would be fantastic if they managed to pull that off. I'm not wishing for a flop. I just know that they will sell many copies of this game no matter what the quality is. But after the massive disappointment I felt from DA:I, I will be giving this game a wide berth and waiting several months after release to assess how it turns out. The DA series is dead to me. I have a sliver of hope for ME but it wanes every time I see something that looks as if they are going down that path again.
@silversix_: Granted, if it's anything like you describe, I won't be playing this game but unfortunately it won't be flop. As evidenced by the bi-monthly release of Ass Creed games, there are apparently masses of people who like that crap.
Just so there is no confusion, everybody does realize that sex with the main female character {even if you choose to play as this character} is absolutely mandatory, right? I'm pretty certain the story doesn't even begin unless you do.
velcroboy's comments