@Gomtor: Is this due to the "hand holding" theme that was present in ICO? If so than that worries me a little. I personally am not big on those kinds of games/missions.
@olddadgamer: What you say will more than likely happen. Seems every time someone gets a ridiculous settlement when all is said and done they only see a portion of what was originally awarded.
Hopefully sales of RE7 will be strong over the long term.
While RE7 may not have been a “total” return to what some think when the name Resident Evil is conjured up (and perhaps what some may expect from the RE2 Remake.) I personally think it was the closest return to the essence of what Resident Evil was since probably Code Veronica.
Creepy atmosphere/vibe: Check.
Big explorable mansion: Check.
Tense moments and numerous jump scares: Check.
Limited resources/ammo: Check.
Limited inventory space: Check.
Puzzles: Check.
Backtracking: Check.
Sure there were some staples of the series notably missing/different like First Person perspective, the limited enemies, or heck even the obvious… zombies, but taking everything into consideration I find it hard to believe that long-time fans of the series (from the beginning.) wouldn’t crack a smile at a few of the similarities to older installments during their journey through the Baker estates.
Hopefully the “lower than expected” sales of the game so far (even though 2.5 million is still great.) won’t make Capcom decide to refocus their efforts on making the series more action oriented again or else we will be hearing complaints about that for a long time.
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