I seriously doubt my eyes are special. And by your phrasing, you note that there is a difference. Your point of contention is simply how big the difference is.
I will note that - whether the source be HD televison programming, a 360, or a PS3 - the content is digital. Transmitting it via component cables necessitates a digital->analog->digital conversion of the signal. This degrades it. In my experience, the picture looks softer and the colors are more washed out.
As an aside, differences in cabling and PQ extend even to analog vs. analog. There was a wealth of input from the community at AVSForum as to how the Xbox 360 looked better on their sets over VGA as opposed to component - not counting DVD upscaling, obviously, as DVDs are not upscaled via component. I'm sure they just all had really special eyes as well, though.
Having said this, I don't really care to continue discussing with you whether - as this is what it amounts to - I am a liar for stating that on my personal gear I have observed a difference in PQ between HD and component from the same source. The only reason I have carried on thus far is in the hopes that those who might be utilizing threads here as a source of information are not subjected to inaccuracies.
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