@SSSTcracka First off nube, and yes, you definitely are a nube. Let me clarify one thing. My cheap pc was bought off of craigs list for a really good deal. I have two I-7 computers, one laptop and one desktop so I didn't need the other but it was too good of deal to pass up.
Now to enlighten you. I play Borderlands 1 & 2 on it. I also play Metro Last Night. I play Mass Effect 1,2,and 3 on it, Prototype 2. Deus Ex (new version), Max Payne 3, Bioshock Infinite, Skyrim, and the list goes on and on. All at 1080P (granted not all have all the bells and whistles on). And they all play fine.
As far as my spec. I have three systems on which to play. Which one do you want? My main computer is an I-7 2600k overclocked to 4.2 gh. water cooled, with 8 gigs of ram, 4 terabytes hard drive with a Radeon 7950 for graphics. My cheapest is a core two duo 3.0gh over clocked to 3.4, with 6 gigs of ram, 3 terabytes of hard drive and a Nvidia 560 ti for graphics.
I was a missile tech in the Navy. I have my degree in electronics and computer programming. I've been building computers for over twenty years. No you can not tell me how it is, especially living in your moms basement, and bagging groceries at Safeway.
Your welcome for the comment. I don't need the force. I have tech and common sense on my side. Hey but don't worry. You've still got your mom.
I remember when we were told that everything was going HD. People were skeptical then, just as they are now. The rest of the world had been doing it for years. It really didn't take that long for the conversion once there minds were set. It will happen. Not right away, but it will start to happen slowly, then it will build up speed. Why worry about it. It will happen when it happens. No amount of debate will change that.
@ZombieGuyGeorge Everyone needs a break from fun. Besides I find it fun to have sparkling conversations with fun people like you. And yes, my gaming device has been doing Netflix for years.
Just for future reference. Today is great. I live for today. But here's a little secret. I also live for tomorrow. We all do. It's called planning for retirement, for your kids college fund. Little things like that. So I prefer to look at today as something that's worth living for, as is tomorrow. Not so much the mind jerk thing. But hey, if that's how you want to live. So be it. To each there own. I don't know if I'll be there tomorrow, so I for live today, and hope for tomorrow. Cheers. :)
@izTamz So why not clarify your statement then. Your original statement isn't even close to what your last statement says. In fact you dumped your original statement. What you meant to say is, you like the console because the games you like are on the console and not the pc. Not that the console looks better or performs better, but because of the console exclusives. See, if you had just said that people would understand and wouldn't argue with you.
@GanjaFarmer210 Ignorance. I build my pc for around $800 and it runs anything out there at max res. Why is everyone stupid enough to think you can only game on a $3000 dollar or higher rig? I also have a $125 dollar rig that my daughter uses that plays everything out there. (Just lower some of the bells an whistle on some games but it still looks good and plays great)
@LordCrash88 Not always true. I've been building pc for quite a while now and I've got a very nice rig that didn't cost me all that much. Build them your self, shop for the lowest prices and you can do quite well.
Then there's always my second route. Watch on Craigs list for a college kid who got a killer rig, that now needs to sell it and chew them down as low as you can. Again, I've done quite well with that route.
@quiksilvers123 Depends on what kind of sale you find. I've waited for just long enough, then scored on some really good sales. Black Friday is a great day to shop.
@shannybaybay Oh how wrong you are. What you mean to say is consoles will always be the pick of adolescent gamers. Pre puberty gamers. I did consoles when I was younger, and as I got older, pc was my choice. Now I know that there are older people who still enjoy the console, but the fact is, it's a younger persons system. My daughter loves both, and will switch off depending on what game she wants to play. You may love your controller, but my k/m is much more accurate and easier to use (although I use a thumb trackball which is soooo good for games). Add on lower loading times, better graphics, better sound, better hardware, and well,,,,, you get the picture.
Don't get me wrong, I have no problem with the console. Some people love it. Some people don't. My motto is "if you like what you've got, great. Stick with it. But we're all just gamers in the end so why not support each other, instead of fighting on who's is the best. We all have our own opinion and it's going to be hard to change that opinion. Does it matter?"
wallydog63's comments