wallydog63's comments

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Edited By wallydog63

@Peets83 and it's shrinking everyday jackass. And your group isn't as large as you want it to be that's why more people complain than praise it. Face it, your a sheep. A faithful follower of the New and Improved club. If it's new, it's got to be better. Moron

I love how you even admit that lots of people complain about the game, then come up with a reason why everyone's wrong. Brilliant you freakin idiot.

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@Kevin-V You don't either moron and that's the problem. You write an article that is full of incomplete information. Like you said, you just write stories, not articles.

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@tiamut_88 Hey there whiner girl. There are pills you can take for stupidity and pms. You should try them. Might make you sound less of a child.

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Edited By wallydog63

@ED0511 @wexorian Exactly. Which means those numbers only show a small portion of the truth. The article is fan written and influenced. It's written to make it sound as good as possible without any of the actual downsides.

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@Peets83 Obviously not everyone agrees with you, but that's ok. We know sheep can't think for the selves. You say you've been playing the endgame for four months now. Gee, have you ever considered that you're just slow. Do you read the last chapter of a book for months as well?

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@Kh1ndjal Gee good for you. I'm proud of you. You are sooooo cool. First off I never made up any numbers. Secondly I know tons of people who have quit 2 and gone back to 1. I'm one of them and I've been talking to tons of them back on 1. Idiots like you assume it's because of the endgame. That's where morons like you don't get it. I've talked to over 50 people just last week alone and it wasn't the endgame like some mouthy morons put out, It's because they don't like the direction the game went. If you've actually read any posts other then the suckups, you would know that lots of people don't like what they did to the game. But no...... idiots like you seem to think that's impossible because you like it, and what you freakin like is stupid not to like, right? No one else's opinion matters because they're wrong. F,ing moron.

It's amazing just how stupid you people can be. Number one. I never put out any numbers. When I said most of the people that played one, bought 2, it was a generalization, and very much a true one. Most of the players on 2 were probably gw1 players as well, not all but a lot. Numbers two. I agreed with his numbers. What I said was that numbers are misleading, when put out like that. I know lots of people that bought and played 2 for a while but quit and went back to 1. I talk to more and more of them when I play gw1. The numbers are growing. Check some of the forums if you don't believe me. But you won't. That would just make you wrong and you can't have that.

So pull your head out of your ass and realize that there are a lot of us who don't like the game. That the numbers put out don't tell the whole story, and that you momma gave you to the dog to breast feed with the other bitches.

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Edited By wallydog63

OMG. Like this isn't a biased article. Yeah, they sold well to start with. Most GW1 players bought it. Question is do you know how many people are still playing it? Tons of those people have quit 2 and are actually going back to gw1 because 2 wasn't what they wanted or just got bored with it. Funny how you don't actually report anything like that. Nothing but a feel good, short of all the facts article.

Good job with such a in depth article. Sounds like your drink of choice is MD 20/20. It's cheap and tastes like crap, unless you're an alkie

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Oh boy. another freaking multiplayer game. Just what everyone wants,,,,,,, NOT. Just another game to ignore.

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@Darth_Tyrranus Never said it wasn't possible, just that it was as fun. I loved GW1, wanted to love 2 but after playing it, it just wasn't fun. Every where I went I was being pushed to join a group, or should I say that's what it felt like. They have flat out said, if you don't join up with others you will miss out on a lot of stuff. I don't consider that to be good business. GW1 felt like a good fit for either solo or with others. 2 only feels like it was made for groups. If it isn't true, why are so many others saying similar things?

I've just started up a new character for GW1, may not be as pretty, but it plays so much better for someone like me. None of my friends want to play 2 because of the reasons listed. To each there own I guess. Just not the right game for a lot of us. Look how many people aren't playing it anymore. Glad you like it. Wish I did. :(

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@acelogan1989 Or maybe the game just sucks. I won't go back. GW1 is tons better than 2. I know a lot of people who have left and aren't going back. You know, I think I read somewhere that even TOR has more people online on a regular basis then GW2 right now. So much for the WOW slayer ( and no, I don't play WOW. Never have never will).