@bzthbooth I find that very funny. I've never played WOW, but I have played the piss out of GW1. So tell me oh wise one, how should I play it? Obviously not like one or I would like it as I love and have beaten every part of GW1, with almost every character class available.
No GW2 is not solo player friendly as the first was. They took out the good from 1 and put in the boring for 2. Total waste of time for the solo player. Is very repetitive with random events that bore you to tears. Honestly, GW1 was sooo much better and even TOR is better. Heck, My little Pony online would probably be better.
@zaxrider Yay!!!! that means I don't have to pay to be bored. Pve, which is all I really do, gets so old so fast. Nope, not having a monthly fee cant even save this game for me. Oh well, still have the first GW ( and by far the best) to go back to.
@Patohua1 found it, didn't like it. Boring same old repetitious stuff. All the events were way too much alike. Don't need flashy messages, just good gameplay which I couldn't find.
@Sporks_Calamity There lies one of it's biggest problems. It isn't solo friendly like the first was. It literally tries to force you to join up with others. I'm a solo player and don't really want to change. Old dogs don't change very easily, even if they want to.
Personally I reallllllllllllly hated them getting rid of the hero's and companions, as did all my friends. None of them play GW2. All were very ticked to hear the changes, as was I.
Nope, they really screwed up when they got rid of solo friendly play. Oh well back to the GW1. Sooooo much better then two.
@DarthLod Sorry to disagree with you but GW2 gets not a whole lot right. I'm a GW1 vet as well, beaten every campaign they had, and find all the new content in GW2, you going on about to be static and dull. Similar stuff over and over. It's not nearly as solo friendly as the first. It feels like it's all about forcing you to group up, at least to me. I just couldn't enjoy it.
Personally I enjoy TOR much more than GW2 and I only put up with TOR for little bits at a time.
No,....... big disappointment from a game I really wanted to love.
@RoyialNetwork Not a hater. Played it for awhile and found I really didn't like it. I have played and beaten every one of the original GW games and had very high hopes for this one. They took out everything good about the first and added stuff that I don't want in the second. Just not a good game for me. To be honest, people talk about TOR, with it's nickel and dime tactics and I actually like it better. It allows a solo player to be solo much more than GW2. Felt like every thing I did in GW2 tried to force me to join up with others. Not fun at all for a lot of us.
@Crypt_mx No offense, but he did not get the chance. Ubi wanted someone younger who could do more than someone of his age. He didn't choose the new guy but does support him. No Michael Ironside is the voice of Sam Fisher. They should have created a new character with a different name and persona.
Most of us here are long time splinter cell fans and have played them all, so no big deal there. I'm up in the air about getting this game, as there is more than just good graphics to make a good game, not that this will be a bad game. Just feels wrong.
And Pacer666, kiss my pearly white ass. Get over that.
@Sutava @lingo56 @anab0lic no offence dude, but grow up. You whine like a child, yet get bent out of shape when they call you on it, and yes you did attack anyone who likes the graphics style by calling them childish graphics or as you called them "kiddy cartoons". Cell shading is a highly respect form of art style, one of which I do like a lot.
So take a chill pill and use more common sense when making comments if you don't want to get "personally attacked" by those you piss off. I could care less if you like it or not. It's all personal opinion, but some people do like them so respect every ones opinion if you want us to respect yours. Works both ways.
@Sleepingfrog Dude, I had a big ole reply written, then for some reason my internet went down for a sec. and I'm too lazy to rewrite it. Readers digest version. No ass kissing, honestly looking forward to the game. It will be the first dlc I've bought for BL2.
Secondly I've been totally chilled all day. Trust me you'd know if I wasn't. I can be very forward and vocal.
Thirdly this is total humor the whole way through. Nothing like Blood Dragon. The fact that you mention the two in the same sentence is well, very odd. The only thing the two dlcs have in common is, well, nothing.
I do agree with you on publishers holding back most devs. I think of EA/Bio;NoMoreWare. Total transformation there. That's all. (just imagine how long the first was).
@Sleepingfrog No offence but that is one of the stupidest things I've heard in quite a while. It take time to make a dlc. The time sense Blood Dragon came out and now is way to short a time to show a lengthy preview like that. They've been putting out dlc's long before Blood Dragon was a concept. This isn't the land of Tiny Tina, where you can change things in an instant. This has probably been in production for quite a while.
While yes, everyone is entitled to there opinion, at least have the decency to make it make sense. A half cocked comment with no sound base, makes you look like a troll. Maybe you are, maybe you aren't. Don't know. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt for now and say you aren't, but do a little research if you're going to make a statement like that. Just saying.
wallydog63's comments