@SSSTcracka Sorry dude, but you talk like your on cracka. I've got a pc that's over 5 years old, and it runs every new game I own. Granted it's not as good as my gaming machine but it works quite nicely. It's my backup computer. Bought it for the whopping price of $125.00. Three gigs of hard drive space. My gaming pc is over 1 1/2 years old and runs everything I throw at it with all the bells and whistles on. I run it on a 40" Samsung. Looks awesome. I only spent around $800 on it. My last build was 4-5 years old. Gosh, I feel so stupid. Even though I was kicking ass on my mmo's and other games, I wasn't really competing because I wasn't upgrading. Oh my little broken heart.
Your just another console nube who thinks they know what they're talking about. I've been building pc for over 20 years and you're going to tell me how it's going. What a joke
You talk about maturity and insults. Again what a joke. If you don't want rude comments, don't make asinine comments. You had to know that your comment is every bit as rude as those you will receive, not to mention incredibly wrong and stupid. So of course you're going to get equally rude comments back. It's just your way of trying to get attention. Kind of like when a 13 year old says something stupid just to get laughs and attention. In other words ........... GROW UP and go home.
@Lv Butler god, I actually hope your mentally challenged and just not as stupid as you sound. I don't play COD or any other millitary game. I just don't like multiplayer. Even when I play MMO's, I play single. Sorry, but any multiplayer only game sucks hard. Fact of life dude. Get this game and you will be lonely. You and the ten other suckers can play together though.
@Kevin-V Oh look. That's cute. More sheep come to baaaa there praises to their good shepherd.
As far as it being an article that "preview of upcoming content that included some of the press materials ArenaNet made available about the past year." Give me a break. I could read almost the same stuff off their site. Honestly, you sound like their PR division, everything is coming up roses. Come join us for peace and harmony. This is the game that will sooth your soul. Straight from the PR campaign mouths to you pages. Good indepth hard hitting journalism. Oh wait, not it isn't. Brown nosing the company isn't journalism, it's must stories-- made of fluff.
But don't worry. You don't need journalism skill to work here do you should be ok.
@Peets83 No offence but that's just stupid. I was insulted way before I ever insulted anyone. That's when my defensive mechanism kicks in. You were just as rude as I ever was. I just realized it and tried to correct it. You on the other hand still have your head firmly planted up......., well we all know so I don't really have to say it.
You can defend this game all you want. It still sucks and that hasn't changed.
This has to be the most ridiculous statement yet. It's getting bigger because people aren't all sheep and figured out that 2 sucked. They are simply going back because they love the game. Because 2 didn't give them the satisfaction that it obviously gives you. They want a good game and 2 wasn't it. It will keep growing as a lot of these posts are saying. They got BORED with 2. You seem to have a really hard time excepting that there are lots of people who don't like the game and would rather play Gw1 over 2. Get use to it. It's going to be happening more and more. On a more positive note, you enjoy your game and we'll enjoy ours. Everybody have fun. :)
@Peets83 No actually it doesn't. I get it in Old Republic as well (overflow that is), and you honestly can't say they are a shining example of success.
People complain because they once loved the game. Now they don't recognize what it's become and that really sucks. It bothers them.
You talk about me calling everyone that doesn't agree with me a JA. Hate to tell you this but I've been insulted by everyone who doesn't agree with me. You who like the game don't like my opinion and have taken every chance you could to try and belittle me and my opinions. You have insulted me just as much as I have you, and yet you have the nerve to call me on it? Look at the way people who don't like the game are treated here, then look in the mirror. Very few people here are even the least bit tolerant of people who disagree with their opinions.
Yes, there are lots of people very unsatisfied with the game. I talk to new people every time I play GW1, people you seem to want to discard, people you want to ignore. Guilds are getting bigger again. I restarted 1 because I can't stand 2, and it's showed me just how many others have the same opinion. No, gw2 not doing as well as they would like you to believe. But that's not to say it doing horrible either. All I can say is they took everything I liked about one, got rid of it and put in stuff that originally kept me from playing most mmo's in the first place. Stuff I never wanted and really, really don't like, so yeah, I guess I am a little bitter about it, and I'm sorry for taking it out on others.
Anyway. I will try to be less defensive in the future. I will curb my emotions and try to use more logic. I can feel my blood turning green as I write this. Live long and prosper.
@tiamut_88 Look. In all honesty I wish I didn't look down on them but how can one help it. The best example I can think to give is to look at the game as a restaurant you've been going to for years. Suddenly they've changed the recipe and the food you love is suddenly bitter and tastes all wrong. Who would be happy saying "well at least they tried something new". No one. You would be upset that they ruined something that you used to really enjoy. They took out everything I loved about the game and put raw onions in. Now some people love raw onions but I sure don't. They've made it less friendly to the solo player. Used every around you to try and make you join up with others. Yeah, you can solo it but it just feels wrong.
There are a lot of others that feel the same way and are going back to gw1. I talk to new people about it all the time now that I'm replaying 1. No. I wish I could forgive them for what they've done but 2 just leaves a very bitter taste in my mouth, and that will never change. I don't hold anything against the players for liking it. I wish I did. But I do hold a grudge with NC for changing it sooooo much that to me it's not even a guild wars game.
Sorry for being rude earlier. Emotions got the better of me.
@Peets83 See, now this is what I like. "To show people that they are wrong". How can you show someone they are wrong when they've played the game and just don't like it? It's all opinion. What makes yours right and ours wrong. Go back to GW1 and ask them. A lot of them have tried it and don't like it. What makes them wrong? Because you don't agree? This whole feedback thing isn't to change someone's mind. It's to express your opinion.
I guess I really need to step back and apologize. When I first started writing my comments, it wasn't to be insulting or abusive. I guess my emotions got the better of me because I pre bought the game and was hoping for something I would really enjoy only to be terribly disappointed. It is only opinion, and I have mine and you have yours. I will never enjoy the game, but I'm glad you do. I just wish they hadn't deviated from the way gw1 played so much. Oh well. Again, I apologize.
wallydog63's comments