@smurfa1 Yeah that's a point, didn't think about that. I remember having a PS1 when the PS2 was pretty much out. Haha. Same situation I guess. Didn't seem to bother me at the time though, was too young to even realise! Plus I had Tomb Raider 2. Hell yes.
@aci808 When you look at the figures the PS4 generally does beat the Xbox One with most things, it can't be denied. But regardless of that we all know both console will mostly have the same games.. Possibly even more PC ports as well now given their architecture?
It all boils down to the exclusives and what you want. Whilst Sony have Naughty Dog, Sucker Punch and Media Molecule i'll likely be going nowhere - not to mention the fact Bungie is now multi-plat too.
Choose your console and enjoy it, that's all there is to it.
@Mega_Loser Hopefully he's a hardcore Xbox fan with nowhere to go next gen... PS4 wouldn't be an option and the 'community' respect thing MS are trying to bring in will just isolate him (if it works).
I detest people like that online. Never really experienced any of it myself but you certainly read enough about it.
@Prats1993 @twisted_sith Urrrgghhhh I HATE how up their own arse some PC gamers are. It's truly an embarrassment to be associated with them in the gaming industry sometimes.
You dislike consoles (mostly through jealously of the lack of games) we get it. Quit with the preaching!
@Black_Pander Oh yeah, totally. The problem MS faced this time round was communication. No-one knew why they should wanted an always connected console with a mandatory kinect, it just seemed forced more than anything. An interesting article with EDGE also said that what they were promoting was too much too soon. The technology was good, but the infrastructures around the world just couldn't cope with it. The internet isn't as established as Microsoft would like to believe.
@northArrow @Xenrathe Damn right. My PS3 came with a bond movie and two games, Resistance Fall of Man and Motorstorm. I loved them, but i remember thinking for the first few months just how poor the line up was.. The lineup isn't much better this time around, but at least the system will cost me £200 less.
@megakick Eh? Are you referring to backwards compatibility and the 4 USB ports etc? Those were hardware features, not policies. To reduce costs of the console and increase sales they removed the features that the 'softcore' wouldn't even miss.
I had an old fat PS3 (Skyrim killed it), but when I upgraded to the slim I barely even realised. Backwards compatibility is cool an but there's just no real need. GaiKai looks to fix that issue over the long term anyway - albeit gradually.
@idk95 Ditto. The initial reveal showed just how out of touch they were, hence them now trying to claw back the respect. Be interesting to see where it all goes. Gamescom too for that matter.
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