Yet, the DS continues to obliterate the PSP in terms of sales. That really eats at you, doesn't it? I'm off to play Hotel Dusk: Room 215 now. Enjoy your ports. Good day!
Ducks? Yawn. Give me an arcade style hunting game that allows me to hunt various types of bear, deer and small game, in many different locales, with a plastic rifle (not pistol) attachment for my wiimote and you'll have yourself a sale.
If Nibris can't pull off Sadness, they should sell the rights to the idea. Either that, or someone should just flat out rip it off. It's a damn good idea, on paper. Look at the buzz the mere idea is creating.
But, hey, what can you expect from a $13 graphics unit?
I dunno? Fun? Better than pretty games that suck, if you ask me. Also, better than a game system you have to take out a loan to buy. Sony's main man missed the boat headed for a new market. He "stepped down" as a result. As you can tell, I like what the Wii remote brings to gaming. Call it gimmicky, but gamepads were frowned on when joysticks ruled the day. Change is inevitable.
Tetris still sells like crazy. The graphics on that couldn't be much worse. I guess Pong has it beat. The point is, you don't need fantastic graphics for a fun game. There has to be thousands of games with better graphics than Tetris that have failed to have the same impact.
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