They'd be sacrificing the Wii's huge market share if they don't release it for the Wii. Besides, Rock Band doesn't need startling graphics. Just a few note charts, a karaoke bar and Karaoke Revolution-esque characters. Also, you could buy a Wii and the Rock Band bundle for the same price, or less,as the other two high-end systems.
I play my DS in public a lot and I'm 37 years old. Don't worry about what other people think of you, kid (except friends and family, of course). Be yourself. Does it really matter whatstrangersthink? I never thought so.
It's the hottest selling system at the moment. No one in their right mind will sell one that cheap, unless they really need some crack or something. You want one, you gotta pay.
Blah, blah, blah. Is it seriously that difficult to swap disks? Man, I'm a lazy, video game playing, couch potato and I'm not even that lazy. Get a new argument, cuz this one doesn't hold water.
When the PSP takes its last gasp and dies. They lowered the price for a reason. It's not selling well. Sorry about you suckers that got caught up in the pretty graphics of all those crappy ports. LOL at all you fools that bought one for $250. Should've saved your money for a Wii.
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