Why do they even have a vote for GOTY when a new Uncharted is released?
weisguy119's forum posts
@Bosskiller500 said:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pzisbyki4mQ start from 10:45
PC best version
ps4/xbox one lose again
Best version will be played on my couch with PS4 and pad and not my PC desk with crappy mouse clicks. That is the best by miles version.
This again? People seriously still don't realize you can connect your gaming PC to your TV and use a game controller? SMH
Let's apply this logic to another product to see how silly it is:
Aside from performance, why would anyone buy a Ferrari?
Ferraris are expensive and cost more to repair.
Ferraris can't use all that performance because of speed limits.
Most people can't drive stick anyway.
Most people own Fords and Chevrolets so why buy a premium automobile when you can settle for mediocrity?
Clearly, even if you can afford one, Ferraris are actually an inferior product.
@x1ps4life: You can't mod those games for free on consoles can you? He wasn't talking about exclusives in that post, he was talking about mods and how you completely made up your "lack of mod support" statement. Reading comprehension ftw!
The misinformation flies around here, doesn't it? My former guild in Star Wars Galaxies was using a vent server for voice chat before the Xbox 360 was even released. Tons of PC games have absolutely enormous communities.
@VanDammFan: It's not my problem if you can't download and install 3rd party software. I game on consoles as well but I don't need anyone to hold my hand for simple mods.
@drekula2: Wow. You really have no clue, do you? You can connect a PC to your TV and use an Xbox 360 controller if you so desire.
The biggest misconception seems to be the rampant system wars console worshipper's idea that the PC only gets 2D indie games. The S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Series alone is worth having a decent gaming PC in my opinion. Starcraft is a HUGE PC exclusive. Skyrim can be modded like you wouldn't believe. They already have tons of Batman: Arkham Origins modded skins for PC. Get a clue, TC.
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