@danabo: I just want to game. I couldn't possibly care any less about all that other stuff. I already have an entertainment center for watching TV, DVDs, Blu-rays, Netflix, Amazon Instant, etc. in the living room. Talking to turn it on doesnt interest me in the least. I guess I could get a clapper if I was that desperate to avoid pushing a button on my remote, which I'm not. I have a pretty nice stereo system for music. My bedroom has my gaming setup and I don't do anything but game on my gaming setup. I was a PCWii60 guy last gen. I never even bought a PS3. I was put off by the ridiculous launch price and never gave it a second look. This gen, I'm tired of dumping cash into my PC to keep it up to date. The WiiU doesnt interest me as the Wii grew boring rather quickly. I moved to the convenience of tablets for surfing, light gaming and apps. I also have a pretty nice smartphone for apps. So, I think I'm gonna go with the PS4 this gen whenever they release an Arkham game for it. I have no need for an all in one entertainment center. It seems like gaming was an afterthought in the design process of the Xbox One. They even focused entirely on TV at the reveal. Then, there was the always online, no used games fiasco that put me off. They pulled a 180 on that but they already lost any trust I may have ever had in them.
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