I'm waiting patiently for Batman: Arkham City and Mass Effect 3. Not much else on my radar.
weisguy119's forum posts
All Amazon, all the time. With Prime, I get free 2 day shipping. I can wait a couple days to save some cash. Amazon provides deals while Gamestop all but steals.
It currently goes for $50 (if you know where to look), but I'm waiting for 2 things: a patch and a drop to $40. When they both happen, I'm in.
I'm hoping Mass Effect 1 & 2 go on sale during the Steam Holiday Sale. I plan to buy both, if they do. I haven't played them yet, but a friend at work highly recommends them and I love good, SINGLE-PLAYERRPGs. If they add multiplayer, it will undoubtedly shorten the single-player experience considerably (it ALWAYS does). I refuse to buy games with 6 hour campaigns and multiplayer. In fact, I hate multiplayer. Please EA, don't mess up a great (so I've heard) RPG series before I even jump into it.
When I finished DA: O, I was desperate to continue the awesomeness that was DA. So, I followed the hype and bought the Witcher Director's Cut off of Steam. Let me tell you that I'm glad I only dropped around 13 beans on it because I could not get into it AT ALL. I forced myself to play into the 4th Act and just couldn't take it any longer. I doubt I'll ever finish it.
So, in summary, I'll second the notion that The Witcher is not special. At all.
I like all the STALKER games. In Clear Sky, I didn't like the heat-seeking, radar-locking grenades (GRENADA! - holy ****, run like crazy, hide behind a wall, and 3 of them still land on your big toe). Also, the ending was clearly rushed. However, I don't believe it's as bad as some people go on about. Of course, I didn't play it until far after the release date (somehow missed it completely). It was patched up pretty good by the time I played it. Personally, I liked the hectic firefights.
I bought the Steam version of The Witcher (Director's Cut). I tried to like it. I mean, I really tried. I think I forced myself to the 4th Act. Then, I just couldn't play it anymore. I doubt I'll ever finish it.
I wasn't going to buy Dragon Age. I've played so many medieval fantasy themed RPGs it's not funny. I figured it was just another cut and paste - and it pretty much is. However, it does just about everything better than any other RPG I've played. As long as the quality remains, I'll be a Dragon Age fan through many, many sequels.
So, I pretty much hated The Witcher and loved Dragon Age. To each their own...
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