@Celsius765: As you've noticed, we've been branching out into "Entertainment" content for some time now. Our gaming news process/approach really hasn't changed, but there's just extra non-gaming content that we have seen has been popular with our gaming audience. Naturally, not every gamer appreciates Game of Thrones, but a lot of them do, so we're trying to provide more content that our readers are looking for, and the response so far has been positive.
As for some of the content and features you mentioned that are now gone, well, we can't just continue to produce things that are not performing and are on the decline. The business of running a "gaming website" is not what it was 10 years ago, so we adapt. We have to experiment and try new things if we are to stay relevant and keep growing.
@rvg_kirito: I think you're referring to "Unions." Those unfortunately were quite time-intensive for us to build and maintain, and while a small group of folks used them regularly, they never really caught on with our visitors at large. So, short answer, no, Unions are not on the roadmap.
@rvg_kirito: Well, I'm not quite sure what you're looking for when you ask that, but if you let us know specifically what you're looking for - articles, news, site features, whatever, I can try to address them for you.
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