I was able to get in on both pre-orders. But will probably just sell the PS4 make some money off it since my PS3 only got used for good games later in the generation. So I'll buy a personal PS4 once it drops in price.
Of course this won't be the last gen. If Playstation and Xbox got out of consoles there would be someone right behind them to pick up where they left off. Think about how much money would be left on the table between PS and Xbox leaving, there is no way someone would not step in and pick up right where the console makers left off.
Never been a big GTA fan, but played them all, they just get repetitive to me and that makes them boring. With new consoles coming out soon and new IP's I will probably wait on getting this until a price drop.
@Fabreejy They are just pointing out how dumb some of the comments are. Anyone with just a hint of intelligence knows going from a President of a division to a CEO is a huge step up. You don't make a jump to a higher position because the product you just announced is getting bad criticism, it don't work that way. These types of decisions were being talked about way before E3. It's not like the day after E3 he was like "man xbox is screwed, guess i'll move to a company and be CEO of it", the world does not work like that but all the idiots on GS comment like that is how the world works. GS is just putting those fucking morons in check.
@Thanatos2k @hp2110 Are you a kid? TV is not free you pay for cable every month and you get ads. You pay for internet so web sites are not free either.
wickedsc300's comments