@PosiTVEMinD355 You do understand there are people who make walkthroughs for a living. Checking out the little stuff for easter eggs is done all the time.
An artist's mistake? huh, I doubt it. The dev's thought it was funny and it would slip by no question. But PR gotta PR so I understand them lying about this.
@kingotnw Then I guess the dev's should not have put it in there in the first place. The chance that they just happened to get a sex number is pretty suspicious. I could sit on the phone for hours dialing random numbers and not get a sex hotline. The devs put it in because they thought it was funny.
@Commander_Snowy Dude their is the new fucking technology that will stop the Kinect from spying on you! It's called a piece of tape, just put it over the eye!!!!! There you can throw out your tinfoil hat now. Hell go out side for once or is microsoft spying on you with satellites too?
@farhadd They could not keep "no disc necessary" and ect... because the 24 hour check in allowed them to do that. So when that had to go so did all the benefits of it.
@TigusVidiks @atopp399 There has been like 2 games that you had to get the dlc to get the true ending of the game. The data clearly shows people buy dlc otherwise people would not buy it and dev would not invest money in it.
@Mendax2013 Yes because the PS3 had so much more power yet guess what system had the better ports and multiplatform games? 360, when are fanboys going to learn its not about the power but the dev's.
wickedsc300's comments