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winnazdaluza Blog

I am Back!!, wow it's been 8yrs

wow , 8yrs. Anyway great to be back :) My last post was me getting world of warcraft:The Burning Crusade lol.You have to understand that game was like crack at that time.Anyway I have been playing that on and off and have been off it now for some months.I'm a gamer for life and always will be, I feel like it keeps me smart, like seriously it does.I stopped gamming for a while and could feel my mental reflexes waning.I think it's someting everyone should do.I feel that kids who get into gamming early (and don't become obsessed lol) do benefit more than kids who don't.I just got back into Diablo 3 yesterday and enjoying it immenseley. I'd.I'd love to get the ROS expac but i'm in no hurry as I am low on funds at the moment.I find it funny that i finished the game the first time i got it and only got one legendary hammer that i could not use on my wizard.I play for a 2-3hours on my brand new monk and bam two legendary rings!!.It also took me time to understand how the looting and gearing worked after the removal of the auction house which made it ridiculously easy to get well geared.

I think it's for the best that they removed it, it made the game to easy.However they have made crafting better and the vendors now occasionally sell some great stuff you can wear, albeit expensive.I am currently going through on hard mode without breaking a sweat and hope to bump up the mode once I finish the game again.I am eager to get ROS by that time and seamlessly continue with the leveling process.

I am also going to start getting into heroes of the storm.I playing versus other players, and my love for RPGs make this a great match for me.Thought ,I may start seriously playing it towards the end of this year, by that time I will be settled in this new place that I am in at the moment.I hope everyone had a great memorial day weekend(US holiday) and will tlk to you guys again soon.

WOOOT!!! I got WOW :BC

YUP!!!that's the awesomeness of living in the middle of knowhere.Well...actually portales New mexico is somewhere on the map..but nuthin much goes on in the small town.

SO......WE(me and a friend) arrived at the local walmart at get this>>10:30 for the wow:bc launch at midnight.NO line was present ...Heck there was'nt even an attendant at the electronics booth.We had to request assistant for an attndant who did'nt arrive for like 10 minutes.  The attendant seems to be suffering from some from of amnesia or something but just does'nt even know there's a big launch tonight!!.We had to get hold of a manager to putt away our fears that our walmart did'nt have copies!!.

But after the confermation it was all smooth 11:00pm 2 other pple came and by 11:30 we were like 6 pple(by the way the store had 30 copies of bc for the midnight launch). I was amazed at how WOW has become a family pastime, a Couple and their kid were also getting copies (the kid was gonna have to start a new character ..since his last one  got deleted for bad grades lol )

Nevertheless there main age of the pple who showed up were like 25-30.We talked warcraft like crazy.I mean we were like 16 pple standing in the electronics section talkin about nuthin but warcraft.

When the copies came we each took our own and headed our separate ways(no ques whatsoever the attendant just handed over copies to everyone around and we wen't and paid for em up front)

Sad part of our lauch collectors ed.Oh well i guess it sure beats the having to wait in line for hours like the guys up in the northern states had

New sig!! need your help!

Hey guys just popped in to say i just came across a new idea fro a sig coz my old one was kinda boring so how's this ?


Logical Assertion Failed
User Signature Not Found
User is corrupt
Permission denied
closing down

here's a link to how it looks like in a forum post

My main inspiration was to go simple on it, but any ideas to improve it would be welcome.It was inspired by the many windows error messages users come across sometimes daily. To see a list of most of them(instead of just waitng for em to pop up) would be to look at this webpage

unfourtunately some of us are way to familiar with them:P

interesting weekend!!!w

 I 'm really excited coz the bulk of my week is gone and my hardest exam was today!!Now it should be smooth sailing till thanks giving break next week!!!!!!!!

During the weekend i had to head to lucbock to get a grapghics card and new system fan for my overheating pc.So it's okay now.
My world of warcraft guild made me an officer so i can invite people to the guild and take part in it's official bussiness.So i have been reading alot of wowwiki to enahnce my knowledge of the game so i can help our members and believe me there's a TON of stuff to know.I'm also ranked sergent according to the battleground  standings and hope to make master sergent today!!

My brothers roomate was getting rid of some stuff including his nintendo 64 which by the way still functions.(we'll kinda)
Unfourtately i can't hear a thing so i tried to play the only the game it came with(legend of zelda ocarina of time) but i stop at the start screen coz i don't want to play it without sound

Anyone out there have N64 sound problems ????can yah give me advice ??

yay!!!!! no one gives a f** about my blog!!!

So i can right nonsense like this dwadwadwqdawawd

and      wdwadwadwadwadawd

and lets not forget.....



personal note(to my other personalities coz no one reads this!!)
i'm not mad at anyone i just don't write that much, and i need to find friends with my same intrests as a opposed to a heck of alot of guys who don't know know what the f*** i'm talkin about!!


till my next crappy blog post-at ease gentlemen!!!

Are MMO's killing the game industry??

just wondering coz I've been playing MMO's rather addictively for the past half year; and i hav'nt touched any of my other games.
Like i said in my other post, MMO's demands peoples full attention and because of that (and it's addictive nature) people tend to stick to one game rather than a bunch of really exciting ones that they may have some slight intrest in.

The reason I think this may harm the game industry is that people will keep playing the same old games for months at atime look at me i've been playing guild wars and now i'm onto wow(note that i don't represent the average american gamer) but being the observant gamer you are , you can see that my point is valid.I have not touched any of my other games and they all seem to pale in comparison to the excitement and attraction that is gaining experience and developing unique characters that MMO"s do.

So what happens?? peeople play the same games for months , negelect their other games , they don't buy other games and just sit their doing nothing!!(playing MMO's).This would slow down the gamming market because it takes a long time for one to get over MMO's coz their are specially designed to enhance their staying power.With stuff like holiday events speciall weekend events like GW hadsome speciall scroool drop weekend and green drop weekends , where you can further enhance your charcters with special items dropped from enemy monstors.

They also contiualy enhance the games with new content and features like new weapon skins new armor , and in effect sometimes keep remaking the game to keep their staying power strong.

I personally think their awesome but no doubt will have some effect on the industry.By the way Blizzard is back at number one this week with WOW and many say it's due to the southpark episode that had a heavy wow influence(you can check it out on you tube)So that means even more people are buying wow!!
what is your opinion hmmm??
(ohh and by the way I hit lvl 21 today yay!!! )

I'M BACK(again) BIGGER BADDER BETTER (adjectives galore) than ever!!!

So i've been MMo'ng alot lately especially WOW and GW it's been especially good since both are expecting expansions this fall (collectors editions especially) and unfourtunately i can only afford one expansion.

(i decided on the wow  one)

If sunk alot of time and experience into Guildwars enough to be called a guild wars freak and have taken a break recently to get into Wow.

yup i finally got into wow it tends to be very rewarding but at the same time annoying and arduos it has thousands of quests but not all are easily doable. In guild wars you could do a quest and finish it easily, but wow has what i'd like to call hanging quests in which succes depends on the random drop rate of an item from creatures you have to kill.

It can thus be tiring if you have to kill certain beasts an unknown number of times till an item drops.Luckily being the avids gamer that i am i have started several characters  who are following the same path's that i discover.Note that MMO's can be complex and have several quests , it is better to know what quests to do in order to minimize your exploring and get to the level cap as fast as possible.

So contrary to what people believe i won't be troubled by being slow but rather at the end when my fellow guild members ar finishing their first lvl 60 character i will have ""4"". and THAT would be awesome!!! that's my goal for christmas!!

I will post more about this later later guyzzzz

note that not alot of pple talk about mmo's but you have to understand because they are so addictive ple who have time to type definately have time to play and thus spend their time playing.

what I hate about Xmen 3!!!

Hey I just watched x-men 3" the last stand" and there are a couple of things I found lame about the whole thing.
(WARNING :spoilers but I assure you this movie sucked anyway)

1) The characters never did once use their original outfits like in the comic books -maybe because the stars of the movie did'nt want their *beatiful* faces covered.

2)The boy in the movie affected all mutants by negating their power, so why did this work on juggernaut??? he is not a mutant!!! he gets his power from the Crimson Gem of Cyttorak which is mystical ->not genetic.So the director made up that BS about juggernaut losing energy.  read here if you don't believe me.

3)I don't believe the professor could have been taken out that easily, he's been a survivor of even worse situations in the comics but to see him go out without a fight or some hidden plan was  BS to me.

4)what was the director thinking was he gonna cover the whole phoenix saga in one movie??? if so why did'nt he start with the history of the phoenix force??(by the way the phenix is not another personality of jean it is actually a supernatural cosmic entity known as the phoenix force)

finally the story was'nt even that good infact the story was terrible(proffessor and cyclops taken out early and for no reason). The movie was basically phoenix on a rampage nothing else!!.I could think of a lot of comic books I've read which could have made better movies than this one.

what I hate about current directors  nowadays is that they like to make each movie thier own by trying to make changes to the original story. Especially evident in the xmen movies.This is okay ,but turns horribly wrong when they ignore precise details from the real story that they base the movie off(for example in xmen 3 re-writting xmen history to fit the directors wishes).
This is wrong and many comic book fans would be like-uh nope that did'nt happen!! .I keep wondering why did'nt the director get a storyboard writer from the comic book industry?? They have lots of talent and experience and are more familiar with the comic book characters being used than anybody else the director could have picked!!!.

It's clear this movie is a dissapointment to more than just comic book fans,  0/5  from me.

In other unrelated news... you guys can remeber that  I cancelled my internet service earlier this month ,well i'm back with the same crummy service.I decided it's not prudent for me to change my service so close to my departure.Yes I'm moving to New mexico so this may end up being my last  month here in lubbock.The good news is that I can get back to my guild(if they hav'nt kicked me out already) that's all for now ...

Thinking out loud!!! and more about me

[update on Wow versus GW coming soon]

Hey it's me back again just to lay a few comments about what I've been doing and ultimately I'll make this interesting by putting down by using some creative headings .

Rushing to school.=>I must admit that this has affected my gamming preferences lately because I know I won't get a chance to game like this during school. Therefore I try to play involving games rather than quick uninteresting ones.For example I 've been playing alot of oblivion and guildwars lately(stopped oblivion coz of a glitch).In school I try as much to concentrate on my studies and give it my all with few distractions so i will propably play games inconsistently.Unfourtunately it may be hard to explain to an active "guild wars" guild that you have to give prefference to schoolwork(and I'm not the smartest guy around)So even if I try to balance my work and play, play must take a back seat every now and then.

Blah blah blah! (buy my game)=>I also fear gameboredom which kinda got to me earlier this summer when I started playing my ps2 and found my games utterly boring(especially on my monitor).I then remembered how addictive my pc games were and decided to get oblivion and dawn of war.

Anti-gaming life=>I also don't buy games often .Mainly because of lack of money but also because of lack of involving games and also lack of a good TV.Playing playstation2 games on my 24 inch flat screen computer monitor sucks coz It displays in low resolution for some funny reason.I also try not to buy games till I  finish the ones I have, coz i consider games to be more than just trophies in my room.My computer is my WHOLE entertainment center it's where I download my favorite cartoon and show episodes and where I play games ,listen to music,make phone calls pretty much everything!!! I rarely go to the living room and each of my roomates knows how close I am to my computer.

playing alone(with others)=>is kinda the way I play with GW right now .I must say that it has helped me become a social gamer because first off->coz it rewards social gamers more than singlke players who are very many on GW.I used to solo alot but now it's awesome to go in groups.For example i'ts  like final fantasy but in stead of doing the story alone, your with other fellas who can join in your group.(okay not exactly like final fantasy since you only control yourself) for example if you wanna go for a specific mission you can either do it solo with npc hench men or announce in the town  that you need a couple of guys to do a quest with!!(or you can mix both).

This somehow helped alleviate my boredom coz many of my friends don't play games and I'm only home late at night.

UPDATE :this just in I'm officially disconnected from my crappy xanadoo DSL service.So I won't be online gamming for  a while unfourtunately.on the other hand things can only look better for me as the next service I get will definately have no more disconnections:)--It kinda makes me appreciate a good internet connection all the more!!!(sorry daqua I know your connection sucks too)I will still however blog from work!! bye for now!!

afterthought:I hate writting coz sometimes I don't know if what I wrote came out the way I intended.

Wow versus Guildwars first impressions!!!

First off these are my first impressions and are not entirely responsible for what I entirely feel for the games.First off I 'll start with Guild wars coz I played it first

Guild wars:

Was the first MMORPG i ever played I remeber feeling nice to be immersed inside a large free roaming large world.I also like the grapghics and the character models.You have 4 charaters limit  (6 if you have GWfactions)I really like the fact that you could have 2 proffesions on your character e.g a warrior monk(a very popular build)My first character was "Valencia sama "a PVE character and "Raging aphrodite" a PVP character.My main problem was that as a single player I was used to the story being about me and about leading me effortlessly till the end. So I actually got lost a couple of times and died numerous times .Since I did'nt bother to read the guide or get some rough strategy as to how to handle MMORPG's then I gradually lost intrest and stopped playing after 2 months.(I however got back to GW but that I will cover in next blog)

Wolrd Of Warcraft:

I jumped into this game somewhat a pro since I already started playing GW again and was enjoying it immensely.So I found the wow trial promotion I had been looking for .It took me an hour to download , extract and install the files .The guest account also mentioned a limit to my guest character like gold amount and other features which I hav'nt come across so far.Wow has several character classes about 8( I think) either male or female.and out of those clases you choose a proffesion like a hunter or warrior or druid, depending on race traits available to the character class.Playing was'nt hard since I knew the general strategy for MMORPGS which is to clear the quests in a certain area before moving on to the next, so I actually rose to lvl 7 in one sitting on my Nightelf druid known as Maumivu a swahili word for pain /disease.

I realized first off that the game is not entirely diffrent from GW. One diffrence is that you can jump and you have to face all your opponents manually since the computer does not do it for you like in GW. I do think the map and minimap could been a whole lot more useful coz I got lost acouple of time and got killed by some high ranking monstors.In GW when you die you spawn at a ressurtect shrine  and  get  a death penalty which reduces your maximum life and streangth till you get to a nearby town.But in Wow you spawn in spirit form at the graveyard of the last town you made your home, and have to travel to where you died and start of with aportion of energy and life.This I thought could be a problem if you died in a zone full of really bad monstors.Other than that the other thing I noticed is that unlike GW which does not bother the player with choosing servers when you log in WOW directly connects your charcater to a specific server thus if you can't get to your server(e.g server full) you can't access your characters!!!.This irked me a bit coz the second day I tried wow and could'nt get in because my server was full and I was no.137 on qeue.Luckily I had only to wait 3 minutes and I was able to log in.

So i guess that's the bulk of my first impressions I won't comment on the story or plot since in most games it may start slow but begin to pick up!!

These are my first impressions I will post more when I get deeper into wow .I don't hate any of the games, and I am trying to bring out the diffrent features of each game in an unbiased manner .  

Tell me what you think!!!(was I biased , did I do  good job?? comment)

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