wow , 8yrs. Anyway great to be back :) My last post was me getting world of warcraft:The Burning Crusade lol.You have to understand that game was like crack at that time.Anyway I have been playing that on and off and have been off it now for some months.I'm a gamer for life and always will be, I feel like it keeps me smart, like seriously it does.I stopped gamming for a while and could feel my mental reflexes waning.I think it's someting everyone should do.I feel that kids who get into gamming early (and don't become obsessed lol) do benefit more than kids who don't.I just got back into Diablo 3 yesterday and enjoying it immenseley. I'd.I'd love to get the ROS expac but i'm in no hurry as I am low on funds at the moment.I find it funny that i finished the game the first time i got it and only got one legendary hammer that i could not use on my wizard.I play for a 2-3hours on my brand new monk and bam two legendary rings!!.It also took me time to understand how the looting and gearing worked after the removal of the auction house which made it ridiculously easy to get well geared.
I think it's for the best that they removed it, it made the game to easy.However they have made crafting better and the vendors now occasionally sell some great stuff you can wear, albeit expensive.I am currently going through on hard mode without breaking a sweat and hope to bump up the mode once I finish the game again.I am eager to get ROS by that time and seamlessly continue with the leveling process.
I am also going to start getting into heroes of the storm.I playing versus other players, and my love for RPGs make this a great match for me.Thought ,I may start seriously playing it towards the end of this year, by that time I will be settled in this new place that I am in at the moment.I hope everyone had a great memorial day weekend(US holiday) and will tlk to you guys again soon.
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