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winnazdaluza Blog

Nice week , my Vblog and more...

Actually it was a better than nice week...I finally subscribed to gamespot and just after I did walla!!!! video blogging is introduced.Now is when being a digital media assistant at the library came in handy as I have access to a wide range of digital still and camcorders :D

So I wasted no time in putting up and intro video which I could not wait to see how it turned out especially since I was worried about the quality--I will continue to post other videos to see how to get the best quality.

Another thing I would like you guys to know is that I will not replace my blogs with Vblogs but rather use them to put in extra content-I think they work well when they go hand in hand.

I have to give gamespot props for allowing this cool video blogging function to exist--it will definately allow me and other people to be able to help gamers in so many ways like how to perform cool moves or cheats or even how to edit you video blog!!!(I can use windows movie maker and i-movie but I'm currently working on how to use adobe premier and final cut pro.)

PS.notice the map of cyrodiil on the wall I've used it alot since I practicaly live there nowadays-oblivion rocks!! 

don't forget to tell me what you think of my video:wink:


To all my friends....

I 'd like to say thanks for being my friends yeah -I do appreciate (even if you don't post that much in my blog).But it's mainly my fault that I hav'nt posted anything interesting to comment on.

Nevertheless I thank you anyway coz I now if I was down I would post and get alot of responses.Anyway I realized that I  usually try as much as possible to get alot of things done but fail  because I 'm not superman.

I therefore decided that I should give myself credit for the little good things that i've achieved.For example this post:D  I hope to regain my neighbourly badge which went away as soon as a lagged and stopped posting in my friends blogs.Which I will resume and continue hopefully without fail.:wink:

I will also do my best and make better posts which are not only interesting but also relevant.That's all for now my next post shall be much better and more exciting!!!:oops:

Satisfying some game cravings...

Yeah the other day I kind got really bored and decided to get me some new stuff so I went out and dumped my two worst games (megaman maverick  hunter x and armored core formula front ) mainly because I was not pleased with the progress I had made with the games so far and they were not interesting enough to keep me coming back for more .I still retain Lumines and wipeout pure which I was satisfied with.

I am going to write some reviews and give my general impressions about The elder scrolls Oblivion for PC and Darkstalkers chronicle:The Chaos Tower after I explore them more.My first impression of the game were good.I liked Darkstalkers Horror theme and the music fits in.The 2d animations are totally AMAZING and the characters fit well in too....I think the creators are the same as the ones that did marvel versus capcom 2 so would see crazy moves like this one by anarkis(also in MVC2)

Oblivion is an okay game not as interesting as darkstalkers and plays like an masssive online RPG which means at times you may not know what to do and also it has expansive enviroments and options and sub-options  like GranTurismo4(lots and lots) well I can't say it's boring .I also heard that You can mod the heck out of it which means that it may have lots of inrest value  that is yet undiscovered.

Another important thing to know  about oblivion is that it requires a really good pc.My pc barely makes the requirements, but I'm waiting on next year when all the next-gen computer parts come grapghics cards supporting directx10 and pixel shader model 4.0 and  Intels new duo core super processor code named  "conroe" .Till then it's a console gamers life for me.. and I'm not disappointed...especially with guilty gear judgement for psp coming this may1st and losts of other cool psp  and ps2 games comin after I fininsh a long working summer, I wont be bored too long.

For all those who don't know... I will pick up a ps3, x360 and rev  in  2008. when the prices ahve dropped and all the good games and patches/fixes are out.(I'm a patient gamer)in the meantime I will pick up ALL the good games I have missed for the ps2 like all those japanese RPG's and others which I may have overlooked. 

that's all for now folks..more updates soon cya!!

website works!!! new emblem too!!

yup ,I just finished cleaning up my website again and just in time to recieve a neighbourly emblem.I really appreciate all my friends who have sent me requests and hope to continue to get some more.I am currently giving grand theft liberty stories a try(I only bought it coz it had a way to play home brew games on it) I also suprisedly topped the list of all the silicon named fellows on UTstats for UT2004--the NO1. guy was propably taken off for not playing too much(he must have stayed away for more than a year) Anyway I am glad and will continue to deliver uber pwange to all others players on the network without fail. have a faithful week. ok!!

accepting any and all friend request's-->know a friend who needs a friend??give em a call to give me a call...

More time with my pc...

I am still contemplating wether to get a laptop.Anyway I've clocked in some good time with unreal tournament 2004.I have been trying to get more points and rise within the ranks of those on I also discovered you can get extra points for doing daredevil stunts by driving your vehecle off cliffs and hills. It's really fun and it helps rake in the points especially when your bored and on the loosing team.I am now the second ranked silicon named guy on ut2004 yeah!!!! if you go to the stats search a search for silicon , it will bring up around 15 people and I will be no.2 in points hopefully no.1 by summers end coz number 1 has an insane 5000 points compared to measly 600. I changed my Icon again (I like and respect kenshin and hope he will be my icon for along time)You guys can also go to my website through this link and use my GIF's--they are very rare and very interesting.I also hope to get better at using my grapghics design software so I can do banners and blog banners for people.but if you have any requests you can let me know even if you don't wanna PM me you can just respond after this thread.That's all for now ,take care fellas!!!!!(and gals)

wipeout week !!!(and I gotI got wipeout 3(original)!!!!!)

yeah I just bought it recently and just in time coz , I just read the news that the psone just got axed out of production which is kinda sad.There were mainly two reasons for getting this game first of all:- (1)I have always wanted to play an original playstation wipeout game and (2).I ve wanted to know why people gave wipeout fusion such a bad score.

So anyway I'm not such a picky player and I am currently enjoying immmensly on my pc in high res.I got it on -the problem is that you can't expediate it.But the wonderful thing is that it came in the factory sealed case fresh as the day it was made which made me treasure it all the more.Its been a wipeout week as I clocked more time into wipeout pure as well and wipeout fusion ,so now I have 3 wipeout games I am also listening to wipeout pure soundtrack (well at least a few of it's amazing tracks.I also plan to extract the wipeout fusion soundtrack as soon as I get the game (coz I recently gave it to my cousin to see how good a game it was.)I play it on my pc as well using an emulator which I have to reduce in speed because my pc is too fast for the ps one--I have yet to try it on my ps2 coz my couzin is borrowing it for a while otherwise I am glad and will continue to seek other rare titles I fancy---I won't tell you which ones coz you will all go out and grab em all. anyway I hope to make changes to my website over the weekend but apart from that everything is o.k. have a nice weekend fellas gotta go sleep.

but before I go other old playstation  games I have in my collection are :-

spring break games round up!!!!!

I just got back from spring break at my cousins place and it went swell!!!! I just purchased two more games --Devil may cry special edition and onimusha dawn of dreams.I have already put money formward to getting MGS 3 subsistence this tuesday so that makes it 3!!!!. As you can tell I am an action game junky,but I have for long wanted to sink my teeth into a good RPG--it would have been generation of chaos but It was given a low rating and bad reviews.I really have have hope for suikoden 5(otherwise I sold my favorite RPG's ff10 and ff10-2 before coming to america) I really regret selling my ps2 games I sold before coming to america I had:-- --devil may cry --mortal kombat deadly alliance --ffX --FFx-2 --gran turismo 2 --metal gear solid 2 subsistence --onimusha 2 --bloody roar 4 --castlevania: lament of innocence --soul calibur 2 all of them with some lucky fella in kenya...I really miss this games and managed to get some while here in the sc2 and castlevania.But I still remember the time I had these games and virtually gave them a way at a throw away price.But I am slowly building a new collectrion of greeat games(check out my collection) and will try to find a way to better display thjem coz my games are my pride and joy. so what do you think of my collection so far?? and what about your collection how do you display yours??? do you lock them away never to be seen???? P.S for all those guys that put up online profiles on gamespot and set it to private !!! does it really make sense to create an online profile then set it to private??? come on guys let's lets be social even if you disagree with me I would still wanna know!!!! so go and have a terrific week fellas and... MAKE MORE FRIENDS

Much needed down time!!!! plus....

Hey before I start guys there's a friend of mine who started thisd great union and needs some members I joined it and it looks like it's gonna be swell. So I would be greatful if you could join the doomsday device union a union about doom 3 and all other things doom. I am currently experiencing some preety good downtime and hav'nt put down wipeout pure ever since I downloaded all its extra tracks and new vehecles.I plan to overhaul my website and as usual catch up with my tracked blogs.That's all for now thanks!!

New banners!!

I got new union banners up on my website, I may get some wallpapers up soon, so just go to my website which is and make sure you come stright back to leave your comments and suggestion...thanks fellas

Got my new monitor!!!

I must aadmit It looks awesome and it is big.I't certainly bright and but not really as clear as my CRT.but it's the size that matters.(I think??)Anyway I feel as if I am getting lazy agin I should try t pick up the pace and do some more work on my computer--mycousins video still needs editing , my website is still under construction and I still havnt gotten anywhere with with grapghics editing programs--I REALLY need to pick up the pace and quit SLACKING.I usually love doing lots of things it keeps me intelligent and creative.By the way speaking of finish stuff I have to finish megaman TONIGHT.(I love capital letters -I'm a capitalist)I can't believe I quit on the boss(I bet he's really mad--I can imagine Megaman  maverick hunter  walking up to sigma-after clearing through several nasty stages and going "nah your not worth it" and walk away.)Yeah and I have to keep track of these blogs too.-I also gotta remove apeescape from my psp games owner list coz it sucked
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