The startof another hecktic week but a good thing is that next week is spring break--which is freekin awesome.I have to heave my heave my lazy *** and do some work coz I really want to deserve that holliday-Otherwise I am at the same time trying to learn maya photoshop and dreamweaver-as you can see my progress in photoshop has already shown in my banner and my progress on dreamweaver shall show on my website at make sure to check it out and give me some suggestions!!!.Otherwise I get to say goodbye to my CRT this week as my new dell 24 inch comes in(I just wish it did'nt have to hurt my wallet so bad--ouch).I am also considering going steady with guild wars(where you expecting a girlfriend???--brotha pliz I am without the time for such fiascos8)))or rather havn't found the one's that won't slap too hard or travel with vicious bodyguards whom they call their boyfriends/husbands.:P
anyway that's all for now I thought I saw something about The gammming house union getting disbanded it was sad though I did not comment.--have an interesting week guys!!!
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