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winnazdaluza Blog

Getting stuff done...

The startof another hecktic week but a good thing is that next week is spring break--which is freekin awesome.I have to heave my heave my lazy *** and do some work coz I really want to deserve that holliday-Otherwise I am at the same time trying to learn maya photoshop and dreamweaver-as you can see my progress in photoshop has already shown in my banner and my progress on dreamweaver shall show on my website at   make sure to check it out and give me some suggestions!!!.Otherwise I get to say goodbye to my CRT this week as my new dell 24 inch comes in(I just wish it did'nt have to hurt my wallet so bad--ouch).I am also considering going steady with guild wars(where you expecting a girlfriend???--brotha pliz I am without the time for such fiascos8)))or rather havn't found the one's that won't slap too hard or travel with vicious bodyguards whom they call their boyfriends/husbands.:P

anyway that's all for now I thought I saw something about The gammming  house union getting disbanded it was sad though I did not comment.--have an interesting week guys!!!

Good news-plus check out ma banner!!!

I gave megaman maverick hunter X a try and loved.It's a hard game but very rewarding.Due to my increased intrest in the Psp I have put certain games on my watch list like the new (or old) Ultimate ghost and goblins which looks awesome and capcoms puzzle world.I am still waiting patiently for generation of chaos and guilty gear judgement updates.

Otherwise I am getting better in using photoshop and just finished a awesome banner for my callsign "winnazdluza"--when I finally get it up I will propably take requests to do some banners for you guys too!!(but I am somewhat lazy at trimes)Anyway My renewed intrest in megaman almost made me buy the megaman x collection(for ps2) immediately--it's that good.I will write a review for it later.

Bye for now guys

Could I don better???--a note on bad game choices

Like I mentioned earlier I just got a new psp and immediately went on a game buying spree and spent a scary amount of the green stuff.I am so far happy with some of the games I got but some were just aweful descisions.

I am not a picky gamer and hate selling my games but I do like my games to be playable!!.I bought these games.

->armored core formula front ,lumines ,ape escape academy,coded arms and wipeout pure.The games were awesome at first but ape escape was completely unplayable coz it was full of hard mini games which were short and therefore could'nt get the hang of it .Coded arms would have been nice if it had controls that I could use--If it was on the pc then ok but the psp controls are'nt for it.

So I wasted no time in trading in apeescape for megaman maverick x which unfourtunately is also extremely hard and has enemies which you cannot shoot and come down on you from above--I am not a critic by default  so I will give it some more time to see what it has to offer.But I think I will return coded arms.

I think my descision has also been influenced by the number of good games coming out for the ps2 like mgs subsistence,final fantasy 12 and onimusha dawn of dreams.So it makes me think sometimes that why should I waste my time with substandard hard games when I can invest in some killer apps coming out very soon??? what do you think??? does this selling/reselling conflict cofront you sometimes??

can't wait!!!!

If all goes well then I have just enough to get a fl;at screen TV or a 24 inch dell monitor.-I think I will go for the monitor.(though I still cant tell what to get for 1000 bucks) I really Am looking forward to spring break which is only a few weeks away!!! I have already got we love katamari and devil may cry special edition--and I am waiting for FF12 and metal gear solid subsistence.

Because Im into console gamming now(had a short adddictive stint with my psp)I will be looking forward to these games.(I am also looking forward to guilty gear judgement which is going to be herein may)

Apart from that college so overated all we do is work 24/7 I barely sleep.But at least i got games DSL and gamespot and of course you guys!!!

2006 on in my sight!!-I'm ready!!

I have alot of good things planned for 06 , in the gamming field I have alot plannned first I need a HD screen that can function as a computer screen --next I need a to rack up the few reamaining ps2 "must have" games (before the I get a ps3 and xbox 360)namely:-

-MGS3 subsistence

-we love katamari

-Devil may cry3 special edition

-Final fantasy 12

-and also kindom hearts 1 and 2

I really need to finish all the pc games I have including UT2004 quake4 diablo2 so I can get warcraft 3 battlechest next christmas.I am going to be a busy gamer this year I also plan to get serious with my pc game group and get a case for my pc so I can attend the lan parties.

This year I will get xbox360 games and propably one or two ps3 games next year I will get more ps3 games.(I am very conseous about my budget and won't overspend  in case an emmergency hits--I am patient)

I will also work harder in school and will  make sure that I can get this money before summer time.Otherwise I am very optimistic about this year.I hope all goes well-and that the few bad things to happen won't slow me down too much.

good luck to us all-yay!

what are you guys planin????

Yea I'm back bebe!

after crashing thropugh my exams..I am now home my new computer is set up(was a nightmare)--hopefully got it running no probs.

now I can go go back to doing what I do best--enjoying life.I alsways look forward to watchiong cartoon network and playing unreal 2004 when I get home--futureama and family guy make me laugh and relax me.

I also love watching anime like bleach and naruto and beet the vandel buster which I download(japanese versions)--from my icons.

I will look forward to posting more interesting blogs and posts as well so piss out(sorry) i meant peace out.(I know what your thinking ->what's wrong with"i'll see you later"?)but I wann be "hip" and be in phase whith the colloqiol retoric of the current generation.

na am just messin wit ya'll--I'll see you later

Don't hate me coz I'm....

like so much betta than you duh.....(just foolin)

I may write some conntraversial posts but it's just because I speak my mind and I love to get feed back to see what everyone's thinking.

I alsways do it for fun--and I don't get angry at anybody for getting angry at me --I am a very social kinda guy(very reasonable too)

I don't hate any console but I like sony most.No hard feelings yaa'll!!!!!

much luv---winnadi!!!!

Hey fellas it's a whole new me

I decide to do a little spring cleaning and throw out the other stuff. same old me but diffrent package .I am also affected by exams this week --till the middle of next week .So i'll also be absent for sometime. My comp also recently flatlined on me so it just sits there like a good paperweight.--good thing it's a micro ATX so it's small. I think the prob is with the mother board but I'll get a total overhaul anyway(despite the modest ditest from my credit card). So the parts arrive nbtwn this week and next--luckily I have the exams to keep me busy.I am also waiting for more bleach* episodes to come up. So patince is the keyword this week(Although I am glads I got my DSL back-even though I have to use my room mates comp.) I really can't wait for next week --my posts shall be fewer this week have a great week fellas!!!!! what are you guys doing......??
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