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winnazdaluza Blog

Hey fellas!!!(and gals)

Me again sorry for being too far from my keyboard --or rather gamespot coz I've been actually glued to my keybord due GW  as you can see in my xfire banner above me.

My guild members and I have been trying other games most of em betas like silkroadgunz  and hero.Personally I can't say I'm crazy bout beta testing or playing betas either!!which propably aren't good , so i tried silkroad and was'nt impressed I hav'nt bothered much with hero nor gunz but my guild mebers have gobled them up like crazy. In fact I'm now the only member of my guild who is exclusively on Guldwars full time--I've just had no reason to leave!!!

Otherwise someone started an interesting topic on the GW forum asking why gamespot placed guildwars under an MMORPG yet it's not.--The*fanboy* was clearly brainwashed into thinking anything that doesn't resemble wow is'nt an MMORPG so after a number of lines and a few flames it was conclude that Guildwars was a hybrid MMORPG and not in the least bit as traditional as everquest and WOW.

We'll this week I came across a 10 day  subsription to wow which I intend to try out and see what all the fuss is about.So I try to be as unbiased as possible(by the way warcraft3 is tops of my list of RTS's)So it will be an interesting week.So that's all for now-->wish me luck as I also go for an interview tommorrow for a new higher paying summer job!!!

Guild wars Dragon Fest woot!!

Yes folks there's gonna be  a festival from june 30th to july 5th.It's gonna be my first ever time to attend a guild wars and I'm very excited!!!!

It's gonna offer lots of chances to get special *festival only* items like those cool masks(above) for your characters and also new quests and experience!!!plus they promised a suprise at the end that no one would suspect!!!!

I really can't wait this event also coincides with my account cleaning because I want to restart some characters who propably stagnated too much -->so now  they can start afresh and earn their own cash.(I always borrow cash from characters on my accounts and use em on other characters)

My current characters:-(click to enlarge)

I have also learnt alot actually a TON on new info about this great game!!! just when you think you know everything , something new and exciting pops up thta makes you wanna say oooooooh I wanna do that!!!--Yesterday I actually saw someone weilding a flame  sword and thought to my self oohhh that is just too awesome but it was too expensive so i have to get to another special place on the map so I can kill beasts to get cool drop items.On guild wars If your not experienced you can pay a proffesional runner(an experienced player) to take you to a lucrative farming area(has lots of monstors that drop rare items) I finally realized yesterday that it's worth the trouble since I discoverd that you can obtain a ton of cash in those areas.

My xanadoo modem isa still holding out but it's uterly crap and sometimes behaves irationally and looses the connection constatntly--I wanna have that fixed before dragon fest otherwise I cannot do co-op missions with the members of my guild(log me out in the middle of a fight) by the way I'm an official:D

Otherwise I also wanna get a new job by next week and quit my old one at the library!!luckily I am free this thursday and friday to do some serious job huntin!!

so thats my world this week !!! bye for now:wink:

web vblog is up!!! finaly!

Yeah I did it but I couldnt post it on gamespot so view it here on my website.

yeah I got tired waiting for gamespot to handle my video issues but I will continue to pursue the problem.One good thing is that it got me back working a bit on my website I had fun working on my video file and creating the flash file and player which I took a crash course at in the morning but finally I get to be the boss and decide how my content looks like and how much to put on my website which has a couple gigs of space.

so just post comments of what you think.I was a bit nervous but will post more videos later!!! any videos you wanna see??

my chartacter "solar gaze" and his pet crane outside the palace in guildwars.(and yes in skirmishes that bird can fight!!)

Thanks for the response!!!

thanks guys I really thought about this and it's been in my mind .I always believe that a change is as good as a rest but I finally decided not to change my username here on gamespot.

I know I really sounded a bit determined to get rid of it but Changing it now will mean that I start a new account  and begin  resending invites.It would also mean the loss of my points and emblems.Come to think of it nobodies name is perfect and changing mine would just show how insecure I am about myself(which I'm not)Therefore winnazdaluza is here to stay-for certain.

super duper Uber ultra Major Update(okay just a major update will do!!!)

it's official I wanna change my gamespot username.I was'nt to happy bout it but I'm ok with it being changed.I will try to see if I can keep the same account coz of my friends and my level and emblems.But if ultimately forced to then i will have to start another one.

Now the most important thing(and difficult) is finding a great and original name that will be cool and that I can use pretty much forever.I know it sounds Hard but any help from you guys is  appreciated-->It will take me sometime but once I have it done I will commence withthe switching of accounts.

This name was'nt that bad I'll propably have some sort of small celebration before I finally sign off this account.I still reatian some things like my icon.Kenshi's just to cool to leave behind.

As for my missing videos don't worry friends it's not your bad or slow connections I just hav'nt posted them yet!!Gamespot's website has been giving me problems in posting my videos.

so I really need your feedback this time guys, I need to know what you personally think of my account -no holding back,  what's your idea on this whole change if you like the change or not or if you do what name to change it too(especially the name part)The truth is I'll prob change it anyway but hearing your feedback is still as important.thanx!!:wink:

quick update!!! guildwars an more!!!

Luckily these past few days have been awesome !!!I finally landed a second job and got myself guildwars factions.

what happened previously is that ...I along time ago (last year dec) I put together my awesome new PC and brought home a couple of pc games namely Guildwars and quake 4--of course quake 4 was awesome but It later sucked coz of no online support from the gamming community.I also tried guildwars and was impressed unfourtunately the land of tyria had little to offer my intrest(at least that is what I thought.)So it's had been dormant on my pc for about 4 months and I was bored.

Recently (a week ago) I fired up guildwars trying to see exactly what invited me to the game and was awesd by it's grapghics--I simply forgot how beatiful it looked.Also it being an RPG the makers can adjust it's setting every now and then, and alot of change can happen in 4 months.So I deleted my character and started up afresh.I also bought the guide book so I won't get lost.I am currently loving this game and everything in it.

Personally I think Guildwars greatest advantage is it's ability have 4 characters operating on the same account which you can switch between at anytime!!! yes you can even pass items from one character to another!! This element of genius is one of the great features for which i bought GW and GWfactions for. I 've also joined a nice relaxed laid back guild which is fine since I'm only active late at night ,but once I understand the game fully(which is soon) I will start my own guild and dispense my wealth of knowledge to see it succede.

otherwise on a not so nice note I'm due to have my phone  disconnected either today or tommorrow.The good news is that I will be changing my service very soon maybe even this week!!! i can't bear to be away from guild wars too long.I will try to post some video's of mine today before I'm disconnected(hopefully everything will still be ok by then!!!) otherwise I am currently at work. Have a nice week fellas.

I lost Medea!!

(we'll almost!!)she had been downloading a huge 28 gig file from the internet and when I checked on her after a week --she was gone!!!(sorry for keeping you in suspense medea is my 160 gig external hardrive) She was not responding and did not show up in my "my computer" window.I tried for several times to reconnect her and turn her off and on but nothing worked. Luckily she came back online after an hour's rest.She had been running hot lately especially coz I cut her fan since it was just too noisy.I love my PC and all 7 of it's drives (Castor , Polux, Promithius, Valeris Aegeus and Theseus and finally Medea) I have run out of IDE connectors and I am now using sata connectors.I might be getting a 300 gig hardrive soon but I wonder what I'll call him(or her) The weirdest thing happened this week , (I really consider my self to be kinda a sony fanboy) but this week felt very disatisfied with my psp.I therefore after much contemplation traded it in.--> for what you say?? FOR A DSlite.This is really bad I wonder what the guys on the psp union will think of me. I have forsaken them ,I have betrayed their trust(I hope non the members are reading this blog) I guess that's enough shock and awe for now . I'll write more when it's clear(gotta go hide)

Next gen awesomness!!!

I wont say much but will cover the best bits from E3 that I found trully spectacular.I must sya that this was the most anticipated E3 ever with sony and nintendo revealing alot from their next gen camp It's gonna take a while for people to get over the shock, and start talking seriously about next gen.
I managed to watch almost all  the confrences live and I must say all were most impressive.I personally don't consider myself a fanboy.So here are the best bits.

Sony ps3--the interface looked interesting I will download the press footegae to get a better look and I also like the new technology exhibnited by the EA games for realism.The controller which seemed to me to be the spotlight was'nt bad at all I don't seem to recognize the rumble feature in games anymore but I think the tilt function is very intresting I can't wait to see it used properly by an FPS

Microsoft xbox 360: the king of connectivity strikes again by making the x360 even more of a minsaty in the entertainment arena.The pc connection utilty was
 awesome .I personally hang around my pc way too much, so I appreciate this function.I was also glad that it's best games are beginning to come out like gears of war and prey.

Nintendo wii showed off some impressive visuals from mario galaxy and of course more examples of how the wii remote works.The first customer to test the wii did'nt look too enthusistic -->though he did do some smiling at the end!!!.. I was most impressed by it's dedication to cheap ands affordable but quality entertainment  so I might get the wii first off before the rest follow.
Another thing to note is that I would normally think that nintendo is less prone to updates and product changes later on (unlike sony and microsofts products) so I would feel comfottable knowing that the design for the wii is final and I won't have to see another fancy design later on which is good.

Finally the pc I hav'nt much to say except to express my thoughts that pc gamming has alway been weird to me.As much as pc games look awesome , they alwys seem to (many of the times) lack the gameplay splendour of their console counterparts---in otherwords I think PC games work too hard at graghics than they do at making great original and appealing games .Don't get me wrong I have played alot of great pc games which were just awesome like the warcraft, guildwars and quake.But You honestly wontr see katamari damacy nor God of war nor fighting games for that matter on the pc despite theitr power.

also I tend to think console makers work harder at their games I mean look at games l like MGS and final fanatasy which both look good and play very well, most pc games I have just look good but they  don't look like their pushing the limits like the way the conoles do.Anyway it's just my biased opinion(it's just hard for me to understand seeing simple characters in pc games and see final fantasy characters with great character models and facial emotion-and lip syncing )I may be out of touch here but console games have a special touch you never see in pc games.

On my personal Gamming note:I got my ps2 back :) very  happy about that and I also got Dawn of war Gold edition for the pc which is also very awesome a terrific RTS which I have longed for ever since warcraft 3 reign of chaos.

oh and by the way here's that oblivion video I took of me using the staff of stealing to get an opponents armor and weapons.The amusing thing is that it does not matter how powerul the opponent is as long as I can strip him(and use his weapons against him) lol!! enjoy


gotta ditch my sleeping mouse!!

Currently my USB mouse has been acting up(going off and on ).It's been taking some time out in the middle of gameplay which if I 'm playing something fast paced like unreal 2004.makes it hard to deliver my original brand of pure ownage across the network.I have also had to give up guildwars after I let down my team members several times --my worst perormance was when I had to just give up and run around trying to heal myself all the while letting my team get owned .My mouse aparently was'nt good quality.-come to think of it it was pretty crappy.--> in the first place it's got one button which swivels from side to side depending on which botton you wanna press.As a result when I first got it I had a hard time  playing quake 4 because the right mouse button toggles the zoom--so instead of shooting the monstors all I would get is a front row seat to my demise!!!

Anyway I have had my eye on logitechs G7 mouse for some time--it's wireless and incredibly responsive-the ultimate gamers mouse .The problem is that it is also incredibly expensive, so it might be sometime till I get it, but I'm okay in the meantime.I also think that because I have used a crappy mouse ,it will make it all the more better for me to appreciate the G7 mouse in all it's perfection when I do get it.

Another piece of bad news was the postponment of guilty gear judgement which was supposed to come out may1st.The guy at gamestop said it was coming on sept 1st--obviously I did not believe him as that sounded too far fetched .But alas! it was true (well at least according to the gamestop and ebgames website)Every body on the guilty gear judgement board was pretty upset.-Well at least the importers were not too disappointed.

At least one good thing happened today:)--I managed to get my pal kenny(kenneth140 on gamespot  ) his much overdue birthday present--a copy of GTA san andreas plus the brady guide to it.I will try to think of a way to suprise him,--> he is crazy about vice city.He's been having problems starting his gamespot account but hopefully this will keep him busy as gamespot continues to solve it's bugs.

wow that's alot for one week good luck to all those on finals plus If you get time you can check out my second video below about my favorite bits of oblivion.It's a bit short and it does not have what I call spoilers . I have tried not give away too much.Oblivion has alot to offer.!!--Have a terrific week people!!

(I will post the oblivion video later on today)

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