It's so sad that 8 to 10 hours of gaming is considered acceptable today for the outrageous price of new games. My wife bought me Dragon Force for the Saturn a year ago... I still haven't stopped playing it.
I'm not going to lie, this looks way better than Tekken Tag 2. Unfortunately the bouncing boobies means my fiancee won't allow this game in our new home.
I don't enjoy these midget sprites that require a 72" screen to play. Outland was the same way. Both look beautiful, but suck when it comes to eye strains and headaches!
As much as I've enjoyed Street Fighter 4, I hate their choice in pseudo 3D art design. Arc Systems still gets their art design right when it comes to 2D fighting. Just beautiful!
Persona 4 Arena is a fighting game and therefore does not cater to "boys." Fighting games are a life style similar to learning a musical instrument, and the average "boy" does have the discipline to stick with it due to the nature of our society which is rooted in instant gratification. We are not willing to learn anything that doesn't come easy to us by nature. As a result we work at nothing, and in the words of the Rolling Stones, we "can't get no satisfaction." This is why I like to playing not just fighting games, but I enjoy playing piano, guitar, skateboarding, basketball, and martial arts. Discipline is rewarding, and therefore satisfying.
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