I recognize your points, but when do we draw the line? When the original 1931 Frankenstein movie was released there were ambulances waiting outside in case someone had a heart attack. When The Exorcist came out several sources cited it as the cause for people being admitted to the psychiatric ward. Now we watch those movies and laugh our heads off. I know because I've seen them both and laughed. Then I realized: "Am I so desensitized, that I no longer can feel anything unless it's absolutely repulsive?" This realization scares me more than any horror movie could. Basically, if Duke Nukem contains all the nudity, sex, and (if I read a past Gamespot article correctly) contains women giving him a BJ while he plays his own video game, then I'll pass. Somethings just should never be.
Mark Hamill as the Joker in Arkham Asylum was excellent right up until the final battle... That Titan mutagen must be like tripping on acid or something, because he seemed more content staring at the helicopters than fighting you. Total let down! However Bane, Scarecrow, and Poison Ivy were great!
I honestly can't think of a game villian who has left an impression on me, although Andrew Ryans is an excellent example of one (thanks for posting him). Honestly my favorite villians are like Hannibal Lector, and Anton Chigurh from No Country for Old Men, and then of course Cruella De Vil! Cause if she doesn't scare you no evil thing will...
wiserat4's comments