@cutmasterfrost I am not gay but I agree with your point of things being pushed too far. You are correct that for the most part homosexuality is accepted (kids in school are generally just a-holes) the problem is the media. I recently saw an article for the supposed (which we all know isn't true) first gay marine coming home and having a kiss with his lover. Had the media not made such a big deal about it no one would have known or cared for that matter. While us mature people accept this as a way of life the media throws it up there in your face almost, in turn, making it seem like we should look at it odd. Seriously a male marine kissing his male lover is really big news???
@Myownage I know I said I was done but I had to come back and state one thing after a little search. I checked your profile and your fuse and i'm not seeing anywhere in either that you can be an authority of knowing what a great game is. Doom is great so is oblivion but other than that i'm seeing nothing. Anyone else interested go ahead check it out yourself. Bit of friendly advice go back and look at your previous "truthful" comments and notice how many are hidden from being down rated. Take the hint and realize you don't speak for the majority. One last thing you ,again, assume (you know what they say about assuming) that my play style is RPG...wrong. I said I didn't care for DA:O but no where did I say it was trash or anyone who liked it was wrong. Oh I again haven't downrated your comments can you say the same?Also in a sad bit I notice EVERY comment you post immediately has 1 thumb up...self padding your own comments? Please leave with the little bit of dignity you have left.
@Myounage keep proving my point as to what you are. Didn't know you were god in the world of gaming opinions. The true people who hurt the gaming industry is you. The ones who complain and complain about something but yet still buy it. While I am giving you the benefit of the doubt to your credibility by saying you bought it since you would have no right to talk about a game you didn't play completely. Set up your burning pike somewhere else since you seem to not realize this is not the place to start slandering users. As I said before I am done with you...take that as a hint to do the mature thing and give this lopsided crusade of yours a rest. I use my money that I work for to buy the games I like, not your money and not your games...deal with it. Good day sir.
@Myounage You are a hypocrit if at any point in any of your posts you said these people saying this stuff to Jennifer Hepler was wrong. If you claim these people were wrong but yet decide to openly put down fellow gamers in your posts then you are a hypocrit and not much better than the people this article is about. Speak out of both sides of your mouth much? You may not agree with someone not liking DA:O but keep it to yourself and respect that opinion rather than make yourself look like a fool by posting disparaging comments on users views while on an article that is against that idea. Question, not that I care what you think, but when making the "bad taste" claim did you even bother clicking my profile and seeing the games I own or like? I would dare say not since my game lists are full of critically acclaimed games that are "need to play" games. I'm done with you since you epitomize the exact people this article is about (and no I'm not thumb downing your comments, it's not worth my time). As I leave you to your close minded ways (you like this game so your opinion don't count attitude) ask yourself this. You don't like anything Jennifer makes and in your mind obviously say she has bad taste, she is working on multi-million dollar games what game can I buy that you are working on? Don't bother replying since you have proven what you are.
@Myounage you are entitled to your "opinion" as I am entitled to my "opinion". From what I have seen of the DA2 sales the game was split down the middle. Yes I see flaws in DA2 (never said I didn't) but I am not a gamer who enjoys games that are action scene weak. When you think back to DA:O do you think about the combat or the massive amounts of conversation? Some gamers prefer a lot of conversation and others prefer controlling action. I like the fighting in DA:2 and to me the characters are more interesting. Much like the Mass Effect series I can't stand 1 but I love 2 (and it appears 3). For shame on you for lambasting me for my gaming style because I don't absolutely love games that you do....especially pointing a wagging finger when the article is about how gamers seem to like to judge rather than accept people's entitlement to their play styles...for shame.
This is absolute rubbish. This is getting to the point where anyone with a keyboard feels that they can voice their opinion in the most abusive way possible. I understand and support freedom of speech but where is the line crossed, if you would act in this manner in public the police would be involved and many of these people would be escorted away (undoubtably 90% of these users would never have the guts to say half this stuff to someone if they didn't have the computer screen to hide behind). This is a game people, this won't change your life if it doen't suit your standards. I personally like DA2 better than DA:O; how about this idea if you didn't like DA2 don't buy it. Sales will speak louder than any comments you can make about something. Complain about a games direction until your blue in the face but when it comes down to it if the sales prove it as a success it will continue to be made. I personally don't want to skip fighting areas to jump to cut scenes but you know what I will do...I won't invest my $60 dollars into it.
While I agree the tower defense game and desmond parts were horrible I,for one, felt like I could connect better with aged and more wiser Ezio (revelations) than brash cocky Ezio (2 and BH).
I think the point everyone is blindly missing is that when you are paying $300+ for a portable gaming console you expect it to deliver especially with that big of price tag. This is why I don't understand blind support for brand names. If I pay $100,000 for a Ferrari I expect it to deliver as a power house day one instead of jumping in your new ride and being passed up by a mustang and in the mentality of of most blind supporters saying.."Well i'm sure they will be offering a motor upgrade soon". No you paid big money for something and you expect it to perform...defending it as to why it's not performing up to standards is what keep game companies in control of the market rather than the rightful consumer. You pay for something you are entitled to it...don't just bend over and say, "well they meant good." Just so it is put into understandible terms....the price of this thing is almost exactly half of my monthly mortgage payment.
wolfbm's comments