pretty cool show I love when they make oddball videos of the games I grew up with. Oddly enough you mention meth in your vid once and all video suggestions were of drug related shows...interesting. You mentioned mario 4 times and it wasn't a suggestion...I guess SOPA did sneak through ha ha.
BSEE10 must not have grown up with NES difficulty...there wasn't an us and them it was most games of that day had a difficulty level that puts to shame many of the games today who consider them "hard". Meanwhile to topic....I still can't get through the first level of Super Metroid!
I agree that I don't see any dropping out of this cash cow industry the only thing that could possibly hurt the big 3 (big 3? the only 3, no im not putting down pcs we are talking consoles here) is steam. If I had to choose I would say Nintendo, while it is number 1 in sales I as well as others feel they are on a slippery slope. I definately could seeand welcome (and much to the chagrin of Nintendo fanboys) Nintendo becoming a software company much like Sega has become. Xbox and Sony I highly doubt (or hope they don't) them pulling out but again if I had to pick one I would say Sony. While I prefer MS they are money hungry and I can't see them pulling out of anything that makes their brand in your face and at the same time brings them revenue as high as they have been getting. While I like Sony I think the massive security problems (I know Xbox had some too but not to the extent Sony did) will hurt since they now have to devote a ton of money into making sure it doesn't blemish their name again which all in all cuts into profit. Also being continually at no#3, a failed handheld (PSP) , and Vita sales being predicted bad it could be a hard hit. In defense Sony sales aren't that far behind and have been keeping up with current tech (Blu-ray and 3D).
I never really understood why adding features like access to twitter or facebook was considered a good idea for an update to my console. If I wanted to get on either (which I don't) I would just get on my computer. Leave my video gaming machine to where it is just that a system to play video games on. While I understand extra features can be nice i'd personally rather the companies to focus on doing what they do best.....developing good games!
i'm not comparing the 2 at all but it seems to have quite a few of WoW symbolism in it. The perk tree looks the same....still I wish my comp was upgraded enough to play this.
I ,for one, honestly loved Zelda 2 the most out of the pre-64 series. I know this is considered horrible by most gamers standards but I got more fun out of 2 than I did 1. Just so it's stated I was born on 1980 so I grew up with the Zelda series and nothing got more game play on my NES like Zelda 2 did.
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