If the head of microsoft's xbox division leaves after such a momentous point in the division's existence then it goes to show how much faith he has in the xbox one. Anyone who buys one just hasn't studied enough articles on the subject. also check out this upcoming front page on edge magazine: https://securecdn.disqus.com/uploads/mediaembed/images/539/4941/original.jpg
@NaturalDisplay i've been playing games since the master system. FFXIII is easily in my top 3 favourite FF games. To say it is bad for the amazing vistas, fast gameplay and lengthy story is just negligent.
If anyone is curious what the samurai set looks like check THIS out
Also, I love how Lightning looks in that outfit. That is something you could pull off in real life (sans the bells and whistles of the armour) and look great in. =D
This is a case of the media/researchers saying there is a direct link between 2 things when there are lots and lots of other variables to consider. This is the definition is poor research/reporting.
LMAO at the idiot with the rant at the end. One of those morons who has been programmed to think "free speech" is synonymous with "good" and censorship is synonymous with "bad". In a world with so many shades of grey it boggles my mind to see such simplistic people with such black and white views.
@dgg2828 @Chai_Tea I would rather they use those resources to make the "base" game better and make more people spend their $60 buying it instead of getting all the loyal fans to shell out even more cash to get the complete game experience. As he said, if they have these resources free to make a better game.....make a better game and increase your forecasted profit margins!
33% faster, extra dedicated processors, 100 cheaper, no forced kinect, arguably better exclusives, dedicated to gamers from the outset (second hand games and self publishing indie games), better and smaller box design......such a no brainer.
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