@emrem85 that's why Steam exists. you don't have to go to retail and buy a physical copy of a PC game. just enter your debit card and one-click to install.
well obviously it won't replace windows os for multitasking. good thing i have 2 pc's.1 for gaming. 1 for everything else.
my concern will be video card drivers... is valve partnering with nvidia to do openGL? you can't just go out and make your own OS for pc gaming without bringing nvidia (and amd i guess) along with you.
@Xenro4 @wowgrandpa scaling up damage and health is not a creative or interesting way of solving the problem of dumbed down core gameplay game mechanics. or lack of end game. or lack of replayability. or lack depth in character builds.
at least they got rid of auction house for console. blizzard could have done that for pc gamers, but they didn't. a 3rd league that has no access to an AH could have been another alternative option for us to choose from. it would have been a step in the right direction, but the game would still fall short of being good without league resets and other game mechanics.
but i have a feeling blizzard would rather not let you create so many characters (you're only allowed 10). more leagues would mean more characters that they have to save and manage on their servers.
the modern gamer can't stand the idea of losing their shiny gear. ladder reset? no way! WoW gear mentality is why we are here today. before WoW came along, games weren't revolving around "bind on equip" type gameplay. mmo's were dangerous. you could lose your stuff.
you die, lose your stuff, no big deal. you go to your bank and you have a dozen pairs of equally good gear that you crafted or collected. that shiny gear is not unique that requires you to farm pvp currency, or raid bosses.. you could craft it, etc. you could die 12 more times and not be slowed down. but today's gamer has been playing games where you have no chance/risk of losing gear (only upgrading it), no risk of losing progress.
so a ladder reset is something blizzard won't try. even as an option? that makes no sense.
actually console gamers are the bigger potential pirates. thats why games get timed exclusive releases. if a console gamer had the choice between buying gta on console, or pirating it on pc on day one as well... they'd pirate. publishers know this. that's why pc has been given delayed releases during last gen.
but pc gamers will not go out and buy a console just to play gta early, or to play any of those handful of ps3 exclusives for example. also, real pc gamers hve a higher chance of owning games legit through steam. steam has converted many pirates to legit customers.
next gen this won't happen. the console owners will wise up and pirate on pc like never before, because the new consoles are redundant devices. there will be no timed releases, because the consoles are actually nothing more than pc's, so the publishers can't stop emulators from popping up. this couldn't be achieved with ps3 exclusives.
then when those console gamers become ex-console gamers / pirates, they will eventually become legit customers through services like steam, because the deals are so good.
@DarpSyX i also never cared for the combat in the TW games. i loved the original TW rome game, simply for the campaign map gameplay. i always use auto-resolve in TW games. the new TW games have horribly done campaign AI and meta game. i'd stay away completely.
you should get into a game called "crusader kings 2". you'll enjoy that much more, though it is much more complex than the campaign map of tw games and civ games. :)
wowgrandpa's comments