the original game was designed for a particular style of combat, targeting a certain genre, a certain demographic. it was wildly successful and was awarded so.
but now those gamers should just silently **** off and let EA **** over the industry one beloved developer at a time.
do we have to remind you that DA:O outsold DA2? one was awarded RPG of the DECADE. the other was not even rpg of the month... and it had its $60 price tag heavily slashed PERMANENTLY within 10 days of its release! it was a total failure.
those who liked the sequel are in an even bigger minority here. so don't spout how we should just get with the times and accept how if it were up to the publishers, every genre gets watered down into an action game to be more accessible to NON-GAMERS. **** the big publishers, and **** their shareholders too.
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